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fr:recherche [2020/11/03 10:30] rond.gfr:recherche [2023/01/09 22:48] rond.g
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 {{ :oaxaca.jpg?300|}} {{ :oaxaca.jpg?300|}}
 ====== Publications ====== ====== Publications ======
-{{:fr:notes-gabrielov7.pdf | A proof of Gabrielov'rank Theorem}} (with André Belotto da Silva and Octave Curmi), submitted61 pp.+{{:fr:nashpoints_1.pdf | On the Nash points of subanalytic sets}} (with André Belotto da Silva and Octave Curmi), preprint, 21 pp. 
 +{{:fr:gabrielov_na_2.pdf | On rank Theorems for morphisms of local rings}} (with André Belotto da Silva and Octave Curmi), preprint, 35 pp. 
 +{{:fr:preordresv_groupes_jan22.pdf | Preordered groups  and valued fields}} (with Julie Decaup), preprint38 pp.
-{{:fr:preordresv_groupes.pdf | Preordered groups  and valued fields}} (with Julie Decaup), submitted37 pp.+{{:fr:cono_nov_21.pdf | The minimal cone of an algebraic Laurent series}} (with Fuensanta Aroca and Julie Decaup), Math. Annalen, 382, No. 3-4, (2022)1745-1773
-{{:fr:cono_revised2.pdf | The minimal cone of an algebraic Laurent series}} (with Fuensanta Aroca and Julie Decaup), submitted38 pp.+{{:fr:Notes-Gabrielov_revised2.pdf | A proof of Gabrielov's rank Theorem}} (with André Belotto da Silva and Octave Curmi), J. Éc. polytech. Math., 8, (2021)1329-1396.
-{{:fr:algebraic_power_series_rev.pdf | Finiteness results concerning algebraic power series}} (with Fuensanta Aroca and Julie Decaup), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, to appear.+{{:fr:algebraic_power_series_rev.pdf | Finiteness results concerning algebraic power series}} (with Fuensanta Aroca and Julie Decaup), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 225, (2021), no. 6.
-{{ :fr:artin_banach_rev2.pdf |Artin approximation over Banach spaces}}, Commun. Algebra, 48, No. 10, 4214-4223 (2020).+{{ :fr:artin_banach_rev2.pdf |Artin approximation over Banach spaces}}, Commun. Algebra, 48, No. 10, (2020), 4214-4223.
-{{ |Algebraic varieties are homeomorphic to varieties defined over number fields}} (with Adam Parusiński), Comment. Math. Helv., 95, No. 2, 339-359 (2020).+{{ |Algebraic varieties are homeomorphic to varieties defined over number fields}} (with Adam Parusiński), Comment. Math. Helv., 95, No. 2, (2020), 339-359.
 {{ |Multiparameter perturbation theory of matrices and linear operators}} (with Adam Parusiński), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373, 4, (2020), 2933-2948.  {{ |Multiparameter perturbation theory of matrices and linear operators}} (with Adam Parusiński), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373, 4, (2020), 2933-2948. 
Ligne 30: Ligne 33:
 {{| Artin Approximation}}, J. Singul., 17 (2018), 108-192.  {{| Artin Approximation}}, J. Singul., 17 (2018), 108-192. 
-{{| Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series}}, J. Reine Angew. Math., 737 (2018), 111-160.+{{ :fr:algebraicity_criterion2.pdf| Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series}}, J. Reine Angew. Math., 737 (2018), 111-160.
 {{ | Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets }} (with Marcin Bilski, Krzysztof Kurdyka and Adam Parusiński), Math. Z., 288 (2018), no. 3-4, 1361-1375.  {{ | Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets }} (with Marcin Bilski, Krzysztof Kurdyka and Adam Parusiński), Math. Z., 288 (2018), no. 3-4, 1361-1375. 
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  • Dernière modification : 2024/05/28 08:33
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