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recherche [2019/05/11 08:58] melotrecherche [2019/11/29 09:56] (Version actuelle) – modification externe
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 Liste et réferences disponibles également sur la page [[|I2M]] Liste et réferences disponibles également sur la page [[|I2M]]
 +===== Ondelettes sur graphes =====
 +  * L. Avena, F. Castell, A. Gaudilliere, C. Melot. "Intertwining wavelets or Multiresolution analysis on graphs through random forests", Applied and Comp. Harmonic Analysis, 2018, in press.[[|HAL]]
 +  * L. Avena, F. Castell, A. Gaudilliere, C. Melot. "Approximate and exact solutions of intertwining equations through random spanning forests", preprint [[|HAL]]
 ===== Analyse multifractale ===== ===== Analyse multifractale =====
 +==== Exposants de singularités ponctuelles ====
 +  * P. Abry, S. Jaffard, R. Leonarduzzi, C. Melot, H. Wendt. "New exponents for pointwise singularity classification", in Proc. Fractals and Related Fields III, 19-26 September 2015, Porquerolles, France, S. Seuret and J. Barral, Eds., 2017. 
 +  * M. Ben Slimane, C. Melot. "Analysis of a fractal boundary: the graph of the Knopp function", Abstract and Applied Analysis, [[|HAL]]
 +  * S. Jaffard, C. Melot. "Wavelet Analysis of Fractal Boundaries. Part 2: Multifractal Analysis", Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag, 2005, 258, pp.541-565. [[|HAL]]
 +  * S. Jaffard, C. Melot. "Wavelet analysis of fractal Boundaries, Part 1: Local regularity", Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag, 2005, 258, pp.513-539. [[|HAL]]
 +==== Analyse de fonctions multifractales ====
 + * S. Jaffard, P. Abry, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt. "Multifractal analysis based on p-exponents and lacunarity exponents", in Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, C. Bandt et al., Eds., pp. 279-313, Series Progress in Probability, Vol. 70, Birkhäuser, 2015. [[|HAL]]
 +  * C. Coiffard Marre, C. Melot, T. Willer. "A family of functions with two different spectra of singularities", in Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2014, 20 (5), pp.961-984. [[|HAL]]
 +  * C. Melot "Oscillating singularities in Besov spaces", Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Elsevier, 2004, 83 (3), pp.367-416.[[|HAL]]
 +==== Applications ====
   * R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, "Finite resolution effects in p-leader multifractal analysis," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3359-3368, 2017. [[|HAL]]   * R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, "Finite resolution effects in p-leader multifractal analysis," IEEE T. Signal Proces., vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3359-3368, 2017. [[|HAL]]
   * S. Jaffard, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part I: Negative pointwise regularity," Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 300-318, 2016. [[|HAL]]   * S. Jaffard, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part I: Negative pointwise regularity," Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 300-318, 2016. [[|HAL]]
   * R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part II: Multifractal Analysis, Relations to Detrended Fluctuation Analysis", Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 319-339, 2016.[[|HAL]]   * R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, C. Melot, S. G. Roux, M. E. Torres, "p-exponent and p-leaders, Part II: Multifractal Analysis, Relations to Detrended Fluctuation Analysis", Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 319-339, 2016.[[|HAL]]
-  P. Abry, S. Jaffard, R. Leonarduzzi, C. Melot, HWendt. "New exponents for pointwise singularity classification"in Proc. Fractals and Related Fields III, 19-26 September 2015, Porquerolles, France, S. Seuret and J. BarralEds., 2017.  + 
-  * S. Jaffard, P. Abry, C. Melot, R. Leonarduzzi, H. Wendt. "Multifractal analysis based on p-exponents and lacunarity exponents", in Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VC. Bandt et al.Eds.pp279-313, Series Progress in Probability, Vol. 70, Birkhäuser, 2015. [[|HAL]] + 
-  * CCoiffard MarreCMelotTWiller. "A family of functions with two different spectra of singularities", in Journal of Fourier Analysis and ApplicationsSpringer Verlag2014, 20 (5), pp.961-984. [[|HAL]] +===== Problèmes inverses en traitement de l'image===== 
-  * M. Ben SlimaneCMelot. "Analysis of a fractal boundary: the graph of the Knopp function" +   C. Melot, YBoursier, J.F Aujol, S. Anthoine "Some proximal methods for Poisson intensity CBCT and PET", Inverse Problems and Imaging AIMS American Institute of Mathematical Sciences20126 (4), p565-598.[[|HAL]] 
-Abstract and Applied Analysis[[|HAL]] +  * SAnthoineJF AujolYBoursier, C. Melot. "On the efficiency of proximal methods for CBCT and PET", ICIP 2011 : 2011 IEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingSep 2011BruxellesBelgium. pp.1365 1368, [[|HAL]] 
-  * C. Melot, S. Jaffard. "Wavelet Analysis of Fractal Boundaries. Part 2Multifractal Analysis" +  * Y. Boursier, M. DupontSAnthoineJ.FAujol, C. Melot. "Proximal Algorithms and CTNew Results on 3D Real Datas and Color CT", 2012 SIAM Conference on Imaging ScienceApr 2012PhiladelphieUnited States [[|HAL]] 
-Communications in Mathematical PhysicsSpringer Verlag2005258pp.541-565. [[|HAL]] + 
-  * C. MelotSJaffard. "Wavelet analysis of fractal Boundaries, Part 1: Local regularity" + 
-Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag, 2005, 258, pp.513-539. [[|HAL]] +===== Probabilités===== 
-  * C. Melot "Oscillating singularities in Besov spaces" +  * F. Castell, C. LaurentCMelot. "Exponential moments of self-intersection local times of stable random walks in subcritical dimensions"Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2)201489 (2), pp.876-902. [[|HAL]] 
-Journal de Mathématiques Pures et AppliquéesElsevier2004, 83 (3), pp.367-416.[[|HAL]]+
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