

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Eric • FAURE
Professeur (PR) • Affiliation : Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
Site : Saint-Charles • Bureau : E-03 • Etage du bureau : RdJ (bât. 8) •

ALEA-BMA-MEB (équipe BioMath Alea – Mathématiques, Évolution, Biologie)

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques : Aucun·e


Publications HAL

2019/06 International Journal of Zoology StudiesPossible functionality of start and stop codons present at specific and conserved positions in animal mitochondrial genes specifying tRNA

2019/01 Virology: Current ResearchSerendipitous Discovery in a Marine Invertebrate (Phylum Chaetognatha) of the Longest Giant Viruses Reported till Date

2019/01 Journal of Entomology and Zoology StudiesSpecific mitochondrial ss-tRNAs in phylum Chaetognatha

2018/10 True Mitochondrial tRNA Punctuation and Initiation Using Overlapping Stop and Start Codons at Specific and Conserved Positions

2018/01 True Mitochondrial tRNA Punctuation and Initiation Using Overlapping Stop and Start Codons at Specific and Conserved Positions

2017/01 European Journal of Internal MedicineThe death of Alaric I (c. 370-410 AD), the vanquisher of Rome: Additional arguments strengthening the possible involvement of malaria

2016/12 ParasitologyPuzzling and ambivalent roles of malarial infections in cancer development and progression

2016/03 Forensic Science, Medicine, and PathologyThe infections of Saint-Louis: possible involvement of malaria

2016/01 An Experiment on Exploiting Virtual Platforms for the Development of Embedded Equipments

2016/01 II. Applications historiques nouvelles (1) Périodes Antique, Médiévale et Moderne

2014/11 Frontiers in PhysiologyMalarial pathocoenosis: beneficial and deleterious interactions between malaria and other human diseases

2014/01 Malaria JournalAnalysis of the causes of spawning of large-scale, severe malarial epidemics and their rapid total extinction in western Provence, historically a highly endemic region of France (1745–1850)

2012/01 Hypotheses in the Life SciencesChaetognaths feed primarily on dissolved and fine particulate organic matter, not on prey: implications for marine food webs

2011/10 Biology DirectProbable presence of an ubiquitous cryptic mitochondrial gene on the antisense strand of the cytochrome oxidase I gene

2008/01 A Possible Relationship Between the Phylogenetic Branch Lengths and the Chaetognath rRNA Paralog Gene Functionalities : Ubiquitous, Tissue-Specific or Pseudogenes.

2008/01 Infection, Genetics and EvolutionIs the European spatial distribution of the HIV-1-resistant CCR5-D32 allele formed by a breakdown of the pathocenosis due to the historical Roman expansion?

2007/08 BMC Evolutionary BiologyTranslational machinery of the chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera: a transcriptomic approach to the analysis of cytosolic ribosomal protein genes and their expression

2005/06 Molecular Ecology NotesIsolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in Parnassius Apollo and Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera)

2004/01 Molecular EcologyHigh similarity between flanking regions of different microsatellites detected within each of two species of Lepidoptera

1996/01 MésogéeÉtude de l’introgression au sein de divers taxons

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