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One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar

One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar

The seminar takes place biweekly on Tuesdays at 15:00 Paris time. In summer, it means 6:00 in California, 9:00 in New-York or Waterloo, 14:00 in London, 15:00 in Paris, 16:00 in Moscow and 22:00 in Tokyo. In winter, some of these numbers change. Please check in advance the time in your time zone.


The address of the Zoom meeting is . The password is distributed in announcements. If you want to receive them, or receive them and want to unsubscribe, please write to Anna Frid.

All recorded talks are also available here.


Anna E. Frid, Aix-Marseille Université, Narad Rampersad, University of Winnipeg, Jeffrey O. Shallit, University of Waterloo, Manon Stipulanti, Université de Liège.

If you are interested in giving a talk, you are welcome to contact Narad Rampersad and Manon Stipulanti.

Upcoming talks

September 24 2024: Luke Schaeffer Summation and transduction of automatic sequences

We examine the theory of computing partial sums or transductions in automatic sequences, including a theorem of Dekking and its generalization. We give a number of examples involving paperfolding words and Sturmian sequences.

October 8 2024: Mehdi Golafshan

October 22 2024: Olivier Carton

November 05 2024: Benjamin Hellouin de Menibus

December 3 2024: Elżbieta Krawczyk

December 17 2024: Yuto Nakashima

Past talks 2024

September 10 2024: Jia-Yan Yao When is an automatic number transparent?

In this talk we introduce a new notion to measure the complexity of automatic numbers, which are either rational or transcendental. We study basic properties of this notion, and exhibit an algorithm to compute it. In particular, we shall characterize all the automatic numbers which are transparent. As applications, we shall also compute the complexity of some well-known automatic numbers.

July 9 2024: Jamie Simpson Palindromic Periodicities


If $p$ and $s$ are palindromes then a factor of the infinite word $(ps)^\omega$ which has length at least $|ps|$ is called a palindromic periodicity. In this talk I will first describe some simple properties of these objects and then show how they can appear. For example a word which is both periodic and a palindrome is a palindromic periodicity. Next I'll present a periodicity lemma similar to the Fine Wilf Lemma but applied to palindromic periodicities. The talk will finish with some suggestions for further research.

June 25 2024: Julien Cassaigne The Heinis Spectrum


Many families of infinite words (or of subshifts) have a subword complexity function $p(n)$ that grows linearly. It has sometimes a very simple form (such as $n + 1$, $2n + 1$, etc.), but often a more complicated behaviour, as for the Thue-Morse word. In his Ph.D. thesis, Alex Heinis introduced the set $\Omega$ of pairs $(\alpha,\beta)$ such that $\alpha = \liminf p(n)/n$ and $\beta = \limsup p(n)/n$ for some infinite word. For instance, the Thue-Morse word gives the point $(3, 10/3)$. But not every point with $\alpha \leq \beta$ can be obtained, and it is a challenge to characterize points in $\Omega$. We present some properties of this set, and some questions that we find interesting.

June 11 2024: Markus Whiteland What I know about Parikh-collinear morphisms


A morphism is Parikh-collinear if its adjacency matrix has rank at most one. For example, the famous Thue-Morse morphism is such morphism. Some of their properties have been considered in the literature, e.g., by Allouche et al. [Comb. Theory 1, 2021] (in passing) and Cassaigne et al. [Int. J. Found. Comput. 22, 2011]; the latter characterises Parikh-collinear morphisms as those morphisms that map any infinite word (over the domain alphabet) to a word with bounded abelian complexity.

In this talk I will focus on properties of Parikh-collinear morphisms and their fixed points from the viewpoint of binomial complexities. We will also consider automatic (in the sense of Allouche and Shallit) aspects related to such fixed points.

The talk is based on joint work with M. Rigo and M. Stipulanti.

May 28 2024: Pascal Ochem Characterization of morphic words.


The famous Hall-Thue word, fixed point of the morphism 0 → 012, 1 → 02, 2 → 1, is essentially the only infinite ternary word avoiding squares and the words 010 and 212.

I will present many examples of this phenomenon, that is, when every recurrent word satisfying some avoidance constraints has the same factor set as a morphic word.

This is a joint work with Golnaz Badkobeh, Matthieu Rosenfeld, L'ubomíra Dvořáková, Daniela Opočenská, Aseem Baranwal, James Currie, Lucas Mol, Narad Rampersad, and Jeffrey Shallit.

May 14 2024: Josef Rukavicka Restivo Salemi property for $\alpha$-power free languages with $\alpha \geq 5$ and $k \geq 3$ letters


In 2009, Shur published the following conjecture: Let $L$ be a power-free language and let $e(L)\subseteq L$ be the set of words of $L$ that can be extended to a bi-infinite word respecting the given power-freeness. If $u,v \in e(L)$ then $uwv \in e(L)$ for some word $w$. Let $L_{k,\alpha}$ denote an $\alpha$-power free language over an alphabet with $k$ letters, where $\alpha$ is a positive rational number and $k$ is positive integer. We prove the conjecture for the languages $L_{k,\alpha}$, where $\alpha\geq 5$ and $k \geq 3$.

April 30 2024: Michael Baake Hats, CAPs and Spectres


The recently discovered Hat is an aperiodic monotile for the Euclidean plane, which needs a reflected version for this property. The Spectre does not have this (tiny) deficiency. We discuss the topological and dynamical properties of the Hat tiling, how the CAP relates to it, and what the long-range order of both tilings is. Finally, we briefly describe the analogous structure for the Spectre tiling.

April 16 2024: Radosław Piórkowski Universal quantification in automatic structures—an ExpSpace-hard nut to crack

Automatic structures are structures whose universe and relations can be represented as regular languages. It follows from the standard closure properties of regular languages that the first-order theory of an automatic structure is decidable.

While existential quantifiers can be eliminated in linear time by application of a homomorphism, universal quantifiers are commonly eliminated via the identity ∀x. Φ ≡ ¬(∃x. ¬Φ). If Φ is represented in the standard way as an NFA, a priori this approach results in a doubly exponential blow-up. However, the recent literature has shown that there are classes of automatic structures for which universal quantifiers can be eliminated without this blow-up when treated as first-class citizens and not resorting to double complementation. The existing lower bounds for some classes of automatic structures show that a singly exponential blow-up is unavoidable when eliminating a universal quantifier, but it is not known whether there may be better approaches that avoid the naïve doubly exponential blow-up. We answer this question negatively.

In my talk, following a short introduction to the field of automatic structures, I will present the construction of a family of NFA representing automatic relations for which the minimal NFA recognising the language after a universal projection step is doubly exponential, and deciding whether this language is empty is ExpSpace-complete.

Based on the paper:

Authors: Christoph Haase, R.P.

Keywords: automatic structures, universal projection, tiling problems, state complexity.

April 2 2024: John Campbell On the evaluation of infinite products involving automatic sequences


We explore and discuss some recently introduced techniques concerning the evaluation of infinite products involving automatic sequences.

March 19 2024: Cor Kraaikamp An introduction to $N$-expansions with a finite set of digits


In this talk $N$-expansions, and in particular $N$-expansions with a finite set of digits, will be introduced. Although $N$-expansions were introduced as recent as 2008 by Ed Burger and some of his students, quite a number of papers have appeared on these variations of the regular continued fraction expansion. By choosing a domain for the underlying Gauss-map which does not contain the origin, a continued fraction with finitely many digits was introduced by Niels Langeveld in his MSc-thesis. It turns out that these continued fraction algorithms exhibit a very complicated and surprising rich dynamical behavior.

This talk is based on joint work with Yufei Chen (Shanghai, Delft), Jaap de Jonge (UvA, Amsterdam), Karma Dajani (Utrecht), Niels Langeveld (Montan U., Leoben), Hitoshi Nakada (Keio, Yokohama), and Niels van der Wekken (Netcompany).

March 5 2024: Finn Lidbetter Improved bound for the Gerver-Ramsey collinearity problem


Let $S$ be a finite subset of $\mathbb{Z}^n$. A vector sequence $(z_i)$ is an $S$-walk if and only if $z_{i+1}-z_i$ is an element of $S$ for all $i$. Gerver and Ramsey showed in 1979 that for $S\subset\mathbb{Z}^3$ there exists an infinite $S$-walk in which no $5^{11}+1=48,828,126$ points are collinear. Using the same general approach, but with the aid of a computer search, we show how to improve the bound to $189$. We begin by restating the infinite $S$-walk as the fixed point of iterating a morphism defined for a $12$ letter alphabet.

February 20 2024: Christopher Cabezas Large normalizer of odometers and higher-dimensional automatic sequences


For a $\mathbb Z^d$ topological dynamical system $(X, T, \mathbb Z^d)$, an isomorphism is a self-homeomorphism $\phi : X\to X$ such that for some matrix $M \in GL(d, \mathbb Z)$ and any $n \in \mathbb Z^d$, $\phi \circ T^n = T^{M_n} \circ \phi$, where $T^n$ denote the self-homeomorphism of $X$ given by the action of $n \in \mathbb Z^d$. The collection of all the isomorphisms forms a group that is the normalizer of the set of transformations $T^n$. In the one-dimensional case isomorphisms correspond to the notion of flip conjugacy of dynamical systems and by this fact are also called reversing symmetries.

These isomorphisms are not well understood even for classical systems. In this talk we will present a description of them for odometers and more precisely for $\mathbb Z^2$-constant base odometers, that is not simple. We deduce a complete description of the isomorphism of some $\mathbb Z^2$ minimal substitution subshifts. Thanks to this, we will give the first known example of a minimal zero-entropy subshift with the largest possible normalizer group. This is a joint work with Samuel Petite (Universitè de Picardie Jules Verne).

February 6 2024: Eric Rowland Algebraic power series and their automatic complexity


A theorem of Christol gives a characterization of automatic sequences over a finite field: a sequence is automatic if and only if its generating series is algebraic. Since there are two representations for such a sequence – as an automaton and as a bivariate polynomial – a natural question is how the size of one representation relates to the size of the other. Bridy used tools from algebraic geometry to bound the size of the minimal automaton in terms of the size of the minimal polynomial. We have a new proof of Bridy's bound that works by converting algebraic sequences to diagonals of rational functions. Crucially for our interests, this approach can be adapted to work not just over a finite field but over the integers modulo a prime power. This is joint work with Manon Stipulanti and Reem Yassawi.

January 23 2024: Jakub Konieczny Arithmetical subword complexity of automatic sequences


It is well-known that the subword complexity of an automatic sequence grows at most linearly, meaning that the number of length-$\ell$ subwords which appear in a given automatic sequence $a = (a(n))_n$ is at most $C \ell$ for a constant $C$ dependent only on $a$. In contrast, arithmetic subword complexity measures the number of subwords which appear along arithmetic progressions, and can grow exponentially even for very simple automatic sequences. Indeed, the classical Thue-Morse sequence has arithmetic subword complexity $2^{\ell}$, which is the maximal possible complexity for $\{0,1\}$-valued sequence.

Together with Jakub Byszewski and Clemens Müllner we obtained a decomposition result which allows us to express any (complex-valued) automatic sequence as the sum of a structured part, which is easy to work with, and a part which is pseudorandom or uniform from the point of view of higher order Fourier analysis. We now apply these techniques to the study of arithmetic subword complexity of automatic sequences. We show that for each automatic sequence $a$ there exists a parameter $r$ — which we dub “effective alphabet size” — such that the arithmetic subword complexity of $a$ is at least $r^{\ell}$ and at most $(r+o(1))^{\ell}$.

This talk is based on joint work with Jakub Byszewski and Clemens Müllner, and is closely related to the previous talk of Clemens Müllner at One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar.

January 9 2024: Clemens Müllner Synchronizing automatic sequences along Piatetski-Shapiro sequences


Automatic sequences - that is, sequences computable by finite automata - have long been studied from the point of view of combinatorics on words. A notable property of these sequences is that their subword-complexity is at most linear. Avgustinovich, Fon-Der-Flaass and Frid introduced the notion of arithmetic subword-complexity - that is the number of different subwords of length $n$ that appear along some arithmetic progression. They also showed that a special class of synchronizing automatic sequences have at most linear arithmetic subword-complexity and some other class of automatic sequences on the alphabet $\Sigma$ have maximal possible subword-complexity $|\Sigma|^n$.

Synchronizing automatic sequences can be efficiently approximated using periodic functions and are usually more structured than general automatic sequences. We discuss a recent result showing that the arithmetic (and even polynomial) subword-complexity of synchronizing automatic sequences grows subexponentially. This was a key result to show that the subword-complexity of synchronizing automatic sequences along regularly growing sequences (such as Piatetski-Shapiro sequences) grows subexponentially, which is in stark contrast to other automatic sequences such as the Thue-Morse sequence. Moreover, this was a key ingredient to obtain rather precise estimates for the arithmetic (and polynomial) subword-complexity of general automatic sequences.

This is joint work with Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Michael Drmota, Andrei Shubin and Lukas Spiegelhofer.

Archives 2023

The talks of 2023 are available here.

Archives 2022

The talks of 2022 are available here.

Archives 2021

The talks of 2021 are available here.

Archives 2020

The talks of 2020 are available here.

Lectures on combinatorics on words

Several starting lectures by Anna Frid are available here.