From classical to quantum mechanics

Sami Viollet
CPT, Aix-Marseille Université

Date(s) : 02/03/2023   iCal
17 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min

During this presentation, we will see the so-called canonical quantization procedure, allowing to build a quantum theory (i.e. adapted to describe physical phenomena taking place at very small scales) from a classical theory.

In the case of mechanics, one way to build a quantum theory is to start from a clear mathematical formulation of classical mechanics (more intuitive and better understood), then to replace some mathematical objects by others more adapted to a quantum description (canonical quantization procedure).

I will first present the mathematical objects on which classical mechanics is based, then I will introduce the new objects allowing a quantum formulation of mechanics, as well as the physical reasons motivating their choice. If time permits (it will not ed), we will apply this procedure to the case of classical cosmology for which a quantum version is necessary to better understand the first instants of our universe.


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