geowalks2014: IHP trimester on random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups

CIRM, Luminy, Marseille

Date(s) : 06/01/2014 - 17/01/2014   iCal
0 h 00 min

Introductory school in Luminy

Organization : Indira Chatterji (MAPMO, Orléans), Christophe Pittet (I2M, Marseille), Laurent Saloff-Coste (Cornell University, USA)

The aim of this two-weeks school is to review basics about geometric group theory and random walks. It is targeted at graduate students and postdocs.

This school is part of the IHP trimester on random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups (January 6 – April 4, 2014).
The trimester is devoted to asymptotic properties of infinite and big finite groups, in particular, those associated with random walks on these groups. We hope to have a fruitful collaboration covering probabilistic, analytic, algebraic, and geometrical aspects of this subject area as well as their interplay. The non-exhaustive list of topics we are planning to discuss includes:

– isoperimetric, growth and spectral profiles
– amenability and property (T)
– asymptotics and limit theorems for transition probabilities
– rate of escape and entropy
– boundary actions
– the Poisson boundary
– spaces of harmonic functions
– equidistribution and characterization of invariant sets and measures
– groups acting on trees.



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