Hidden symmetries of the kepler problem

Gloria Odak

Date(s) : 02/02/2023   iCal
17 h 00 min - 18 h 30 min

A satellite moving about a planet, a planet about its sun, two binary stars about each other, or even the hydrogen atom, positronium, and mionium… all these systems can be described via the Kepler problem — one of two things physicist can actually solve. Not only can we solve it, the motion of the Earth around the Sun has so many conserved quantities it is classified as maximally superintegrable. Some of these integrals of motion generate simple symmetries such as time translations and rotations but some of them are elusive enough not to have a defined action on the theory’s configuration space and are often dubbed hidden symmetries. The fact that the hidden symmetry miraculously emerges for a realistic spherically symmetric potential, given by the Newton’s or Coulomb’s laws, whereas it is absent for general V=V(r) is very interesting (even more that it survives in general relativity). Is the nature trying to tell us something?

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