5th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications

- Problems and Perspectives -

June 08-13, 2008
Aussois, France

The conference is now over, a short concluding word from the organizers:

We thank all the participants to the fifth International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications held in Aussois (France, 2008).

Let us in particular thank all the authors of papers, who made very interesting presentations by oral or posters: we think that the proceedings of this conference will be a reference document for many further works. We again thank the benchmark teams, for their hard work, their written contribution, their poster, and, overall, their presence at the conference, which did a lot for the success of FVCA5.

We hope that the web links to some of the pdf files of the presentations will prolong the interest of many friendly discussions around posters, guitars and the mountain.

R. Eymard and J-M. Herard


The goal of the symposium is to bring together mathematicians, physicists and engineers who are concerned with Finite Volume Techniques in a wide context. Examples for the broad field of applications are fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, structural analysis or nuclear physics.

A closer look reveals many interesting phenomena and mathematical or numerical difficulties, such as true error analysis and adaptivity, modelling of multi-phase phenomena or fitting problems, stiff terms in convection/diffusion equations and sources. To overcome existing problems and to find solution methods for future applications requires many efforts and always new developments.

The main issue of the symposium is thus a critical look at the subject. New ideas may be presented, even if they have not yet shown full success. The demonstration of limits or drawbacks of methods is explicitly welcome. Contributions may put main emphasis on theoretical as well as applied topics. Most welcome are contributions, concerned with unsolved or not yet fully solved problems and possible new attempts.

Topics of Main Interest

Among the wide range of topics main emphasis is put on the following