Current position

• Since February 2021: Post-doc

Aix-Marseille University, LIS.
Project: COPAINS
For more details

Previous position

• 2018-2021: Post-doc

Aix-Marseille University, I2M CMI
Project: BIFROST
For more details


• 2015–2018: Thesis

University of Strasbourg, IGBMC
Subject: Novel methods of signal processing in Biophysics: Resolution of inverse ill-posed problems in NMR DOSY and Mass Spectrometry.

• 2014–2015 Master's degree in research M2

Paris Descartes University
Specialty: Mathematics and Computer Science

• 2011–2014: Engineer's degree in Telecommunication

National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT)
Specialty: Signal processing

• 2009–2011 Preparatory cycle

Preparatory school of Engineering Studies of Tunis
Specialty: Mathematics-Physics


• Signal processing and optimization

Inverse problem, proximal approach, convex/non convex optimization, variational approach, constrained formulation, sparse regularization, hybrid regularization, deconvolution, denoising, compressive sensing, maximum entropy strategy, iterative methods, blind source separation

• Machine learning

Linear regression, prediciton classifiers (Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes), k-fold methods.

• Data analysis

Uniform/non uniform sampling, sparsity, algorithms of signal recovering (PPXA+, Douglas Rachford, Primal Dual, Forward-Backward, MM strategy, Matching Pursuit, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit), ACP.

• Other skills

Sound signals, speech signals, image, structural biology, DOSY NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry

• IT tools

Latex, Beamer, Microsoft office, GitHub, Bitbucket, SourceTree

• Programming

Python, Matlab, C


• English : Fluent
• French : Current
• Arabic : Native language

French version.