Assignment 1 Submisstion Guidelines Please provide just enough information to verify correctness. If you used or found an additional resource useful for the deciphering, then indicate this under COMMENTS (not for marking consideration). One to two block lengths of plaintext, up to one line should be sufficient. Under COMMENTS you may also make any relevant remarks regarding the method or calculation you used, comments on the results, or observations regarding the exercise. Submissions will be accepted by e-mail (to, or hardcopy under my office door (625). N.B. Small bits of code can be included under COMMENTS, otherwise if you want me to consider longer code submissions, then provide this in a separate message or attachment. Q1 Vigenere key Enciphering: Deciphering: Plaintext Initial characters: COMMENTS Q2 Substitution key Enciphering: Deciphering: Plaintext Initial characters: COMMENTS Q3 Entropies Plaintext entropy: Keyspace entropy: Ciphertext entropy: Cryptosystem entropy: COMMENTS Q4 Transposition key Enciphering: Deciphering: Substitution key Enciphering: Deciphering: Initial plaintext COMMENTS