Assignment 2 Submisstion Guidelines As before, please provide just enough information to verify correctness, and use COMMENTS to indicate the method used or additional information. Plaintext should preferably be _decoded_ to English text, where such exists. Submissions will be accepted by e-mail (to, or hardcopy under my office door (625). N.B. Small bits of code can be included under COMMENTS, otherwise if you want me to consider longer code submissions, then provide this in a separate message or attachment. Q1 LFSR keys Connection polynomial 1: Connection polynomial 2: Plaintext Decoded original message: New ciphertext Re-enciphering first message: COMMENTS Q2 ElGamal secret key Secret exponent: Plaintext Decoded message: COMMENTS Q3 RSA Plaintext integer: Decoded message: COMMENTS Do you know the factorization of the RSA modulus from your calculation?