Assignment 01 Submission Form

Assignment 01 Submission Form

Please supply the indicated keys and data for the assignment, your login should be your departmental computer login with student ID as password. The keys and data should be of the form indicated, using a "*" to indicate any indeterminate values (such as characters which do not occur in a substitution cipher). The preferred key is the enciphering key or keys resulting in your ciphertext, but valid enciphering or deciphering keys will be accepted.

Q1: Enter the substitution key as an upper case character string.
Vigenere key:
Q2: Enter the substitution key as an upper case character string.
Substitution key:
Q3: Enter the substitution key as an upper case character string, and the transposition key as a comma-separated list of numbers from {1,2,..,n}.
Substitution key:
Transposition key:
Q4: Enter the one-time pad key used for the three plaintexts as an upper case character string.
One-time pad key:
Q5: Enter the entropies of the plaintext, ciphertext, and key spaces, and the conditional entropy of the cryptosystem as decimal real numbers (of the form n.xyzw).
Plaintext entropy:
Ciphertext entropy:
Keyspace entropy:
Conditional entropy: