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en:recherche [2021/07/04 12:51] pardouxen:recherche [2024/06/06 13:59] (Version actuelle) pardoux
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
 ====== Publications ====== ====== Publications ======
 ===== Books ===== ===== Books =====
 +[L7] // Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. An Introduction.// SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer 2021.
 [L6] {{ :pm_root.pdf |Probabilistic models of population evolution. Scaling limits and interactions}}. Springer, 2016. [L6] {{ :pm_root.pdf |Probabilistic models of population evolution. Scaling limits and interactions}}. Springer, 2016.
Ligne 19: Ligne 21:
 ===== Articles ===== ===== Articles =====
-[153{{ :en:survey_submitted_revis.pdf |Recent advances in epidemic modeling : non Markov stochastic models and their scaling limits}}, with RForien and GPangsubmitted.+[163A SIR epidemic model on a refining spatial grid II-central limit theorem, with TGallouët and TYeo//Stoch. PDE : Anal. Comp.//, to appear. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40072-024-00333-0
-[152] {{ :en:epidemic-age-pde-arxiv.pdf |Functional law of large numbers and PDEs for epidemic models with infection-age dependent infectivity}}, with GPang, submitted.+[162] {{ :fr:vi_si.pdf |Epidemic models with varying infectivity on a refining spatial grid. I. The SI model}}, with AMougabe-Peurkor and T. Yeo.
-[151] {{ :en:fclt-vi-arxiv.pdf |Functional central limit theorems for epidemic models with varying infectivity}}, with G. Pang, submitted.+[161] {{ :fr:clt_vuong.pdf |Central limit theorem for a spatial stochastic epidemic model with mean field interaction}}, with M. Hauray and Y. Vuong. 
 +[160] {{ :fr:2304.05211.pdf |Spatially dense stochastic epidemic models with infection-age dependent infectivity}}, with G. Pang. 
 +[159] {{ :extinction_revision.pdf |Extinction time of an epidemic with infection age dependent infectivity}}, with A. Mougabe-Peurkor, I. Drame and M. N'zi, //Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina//, to appear. 
 +[158] {{ :en:pafavmultipatchpde.pdf |PDE model for multi-patch epidemic models with migration and infection-age dependent infectivity}}, with G. Pang, //Pure and Applied Funct. Analysis// **9**, 3, pp.863-897, 2024. 
 +[157] {{ ::fppz_arxiv.pdf |Stochastic epidemic models with varying infectivity and susceptibility}}, with R. Forien, G. Pang and A.B. Zotsa Ngoufack, arXiv.2210.04667. 
 +[156] {{ :en:puqr2022019-forien.pdf |Multi-patch multi-group epidemic model with varying infectivity}}, with  R. Forien and G. Pang, // Probab. Uncertain. Quant. Risk// **7**, 4, pp. 333-364, 2022.   
 +[155] {{ :en:corrected_poc_spatial_epidemic_model.pdf |Conditional propagation of chaos in a spatial stochastic epidemic model with common noise}}, with M.Hauray and Y.V. Vuong, 
 +//Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations// **10**, 3, pp. 1180-1210, 2022 
 +[154] {{ :en:auretmauro.pdf |Metastability between the clicks of the Müller ratchet}}, with M. Mariani and A. Velleret. arXiv:2007.14715, 2021. 
 +[153] {{ :en:survey_forien-pang-pardoux2021.pdf |Recent advances in epidemic modeling : non Markov stochastic models and their scaling limits}}, with R. Forien and G. Pang, //Graduate J. Math.// **7**, 19--75, 2022. 
 +[152] {{ :en:fllnandpdes_amo_published.pdf |Functional law of large numbers and PDEs for epidemic models with infection-age dependent infectivity}}, with G. Pang, //Applied Math. & Optimization//  **87**, 2023. 
 +[151] {{ :en:fclt-varying_infectivity_revision5.pdf |Functional central limit theorems for epidemic models with varying infectivity}}, with G. Pang, //Stochastics// **95**, 819--866, 2023. 
 +[150] {{ :fr:bep.pdf |A Spatial Stochastic Epidemic Model: Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem}}, with S. Bowong and A. Emakoua,  //Stoch. PDE : Anal. Comp.// **11**, pp. 31-105, 2023.
-[150] {{ :fr:bep.pdf |A Spatial Stochastic Epidemic Model: Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem}}, with S. Bowong and A. Emakoua, submitted. 
 [149] {{ :en:rsos.202327.pdf |Estimating the state of the Covid-19 epidemic in France using a non-Markovian model}}, with R. Forien and G. Pang,  // R. Soc. Open Sci.// **8**:202327, 2021. [149] {{ :en:rsos.202327.pdf |Estimating the state of the Covid-19 epidemic in France using a non-Markovian model}}, with R. Forien and G. Pang,  // R. Soc. Open Sci.// **8**:202327, 2021.
-[148] {{ :en:varying_infectivity-siam-final.pdf |Epidemic models with varying infectivity}}, with R. Forien and G. Pang, //SIAM J. Applied Math.//, to appear.+[148] {{ :en:varying_infectivity-siam-final.pdf |Epidemic models with varying infectivity}}, with R. Forien and G. Pang, //SIAM J. Applied Math.//, **81**, pp1893-1930, 2021. 
-[147] {{ :en:multipatch_arxiv_may21.pdf |Multi-patch epidemic models with general infectious periods}}, with G. Pang, submitted.+[147] {{ :en:multipatch_arxiv_may21.pdf |Multi-patch epidemic models with general infectious periods}}, with G. Pang, //ESAIM P & S// **27**, pp. 345-401, 2023.
-[146] {{ :en:funct_limit_theorem_gp-ep_arxiv.pdf |Functional limit theorems for non-Markovian epidemic models}}, with G. Pang, //Annals of Applied Probability//, to appear.+[146] {{ :en:funct_limit_theorem_gp-ep_arxiv.pdf |Functional limit theorems for non-Markovian epidemic models}}, with G. Pang, //Annals of Applied Probability// **32** pp. 1615-16652022
-[145] {{ :drame-pardoux_tims_final.pdf |Approximation of the height process of a continuous state branching process with interaction}}, with I. Dramé, //Theor. Probability and Math. Statist.//, to appear+[145] {{ :drame-pardoux_tims_final.pdf |Approximation of the height process of a continuous state branching process with interaction}}, with I. Dramé, //Theor. Probability and Math. Statist.// **103**pp. 3-39, 2020.
 [144] {{ :en:hairer-pardoux2021_article_fluctuationsaroundahomogenised.pdf |Fluctuations around a homogenized semilinear random PDE}}, with M. Hairer, //Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis// ** 239**, pp. 151-217, 2021.  [144] {{ :en:hairer-pardoux2021_article_fluctuationsaroundahomogenised.pdf |Fluctuations around a homogenized semilinear random PDE}}, with M. Hairer, //Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis// ** 239**, pp. 151-217, 2021. 
-[143] {{ :en:householdsde_paper.pdf |Household epidemic models and McKean-Vlasov Poisson driven SDEs}}, with R. Forien, //Annals of Applied Probability//, to appear.+[143] {{ :en:householdsde_paper.pdf |Household epidemic models and McKean-Vlasov Poisson driven SDEs}}, with R. Forien, //Annals of Applied Probability// **32**pp. 1210-1233, 2022.
 [142] {{ :en:ejp_moddev_published.pdf |Moderate Deviations and Extinction of an Epidemic}}, //Electron. J. Probab.// **25**, paper no. 25, 1-27, 2020. [142] {{ :en:ejp_moddev_published.pdf |Moderate Deviations and Extinction of an Epidemic}}, //Electron. J. Probab.// **25**, paper no. 25, 1-27, 2020.
Ligne 45: Ligne 70:
 [141] {{ :en:epardoux_cimom18_revised.pdf |Deviations from the law of large numbers, and extinction of an endemic disease}}, in //Mathematical modeling of random and deterministic phenomena//, Manou--Abi, S.M., Dabo--Niang, S., Salone, J.J. eds., pp. 3--30, ISTE and Wiley, 2020. [141] {{ :en:epardoux_cimom18_revised.pdf |Deviations from the law of large numbers, and extinction of an endemic disease}}, in //Mathematical modeling of random and deterministic phenomena//, Manou--Abi, S.M., Dabo--Niang, S., Salone, J.J. eds., pp. 3--30, ISTE and Wiley, 2020.
-[140] {{ :en:lpw_jotp_published.pdf |The height process of a continuous state branching process with interaction}}, with Z. Li and A. Wakolbinger, // J Theor Probab // (2020)https://doi.org/10.1007/s10959-020-01054-5+[140] {{ :en:li2022_article_theheightprocessofacontinuous-.pdf |The height process of a continuous state branching process with interaction}}, with Z. Li and A. Wakolbinger, // J Theor Probab // **35**, pp142--185, 2022.
 [139] {{ ::aihp1807-002ra0.pdf |Extinction time and the total mass of the continuous state branching processes with competition}}, with Vi Le, //Stochastics// **92**, pp. 852-875, 2020. [139] {{ ::aihp1807-002ra0.pdf |Extinction time and the total mass of the continuous state branching processes with competition}}, with Vi Le, //Stochastics// **92**, pp. 852-875, 2020.
-[138] {{ ::modesteetiennetenanlln.pdf |A SIR model on a refining spatial grid I - Law of Large Numbers}}, with Modeste N'zi and Ténan Yeo, //Applied Math. & Optimization// **83**, pp. 1153-1189, 2021.+[138] {{ :en:nzi2021_article_asirmodelonarefiningspatialgri.pdf |A SIR model on a refining spatial grid I - Law of Large Numbers}}, with Modeste N'zi and Ténan Yeo, //Applied Math. & Optimization// **83**, pp. 1153-1189, 2021.
 [137] {{ :en:rootparti.pdf |Stochastic epidemics in a homogeneous community}}, with Tom Britton, Part I of //Stochastic Epidemic Models with Inference//, T. Britton and E. Pardoux eds., Lecture Notes in Math. **2255**, pp. 1--120, Springer 2019. [137] {{ :en:rootparti.pdf |Stochastic epidemics in a homogeneous community}}, with Tom Britton, Part I of //Stochastic Epidemic Models with Inference//, T. Britton and E. Pardoux eds., Lecture Notes in Math. **2255**, pp. 1--120, Springer 2019.