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fr:recherche [2020/03/19 13:50] fhubertfr:recherche [2021/02/18 14:48] fhubert
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ==== Publications ==== ==== Publications ====
 === Livres === === Livres ===
-  - <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, J. Hubbard</color> //CALCUL SCIENTIFIQUE -  De la théorie à la pratique - Illustrations avec Maple et Matlab. Volume 1 : Equations algébriques, traitement du signal, géométrie effective//, Vuibert, 2006. 432 pages. +  - <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, J. Hubbard</color> <color #ff7f27>//CALCUL SCIENTIFIQUE -  De la théorie à la pratique - Illustrations avec Maple et Matlab. Volume 1 : Equations algébriques, traitement du signal, géométrie effective//</color>, Vuibert, 2006. 432 pages. 
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-  - <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, J. Hubbard</color> //CALCUL SCIENTIFIQUE - De la théorie à la pratique - Illustrations avec Maple et Matlab. Volume 2 : Equations différentielles ordinaires, équations aux dérivées partielles//, Vuibert, 2006. 288 pages     +  - <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, J. Hubbard</color> <color #ff7f27>//CALCUL SCIENTIFIQUE - De la théorie à la pratique - Illustrations avec Maple et Matlab. Volume 2 : Equations différentielles ordinaires, équations aux dérivées partielles//</color>, Vuibert, 2006. 288 pages     
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 === Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture === === Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture ===
-   - E. Denicolai, S. Honoré, F. Hubert, R. Tesson Microtubules (MT) a key target in oncology : Mathematical modeling of anti-MT agents on cell migration. A paraître dans Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP), 2020.  +   <color #7092be>M. Gander, L. Halpern, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell</color> <color #ff7f27>//Optimized Schwarz methods with general Ventcell transmission conditions for fully anisotropic diffusion with discrete duality finite volume discretizations  //</color> Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis, 7(2), p. 182-213, 2021. Published online 
-   - S. Honoré, F. Hubert, M. Tournus, D. White A growth-fragmentation approach for modeling microtubule dynamic instability, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81 p. 722–758 (2019). +   - <color #7092be>E. Denicolai, S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**, R. Tesson</color> <color #ff7f27>//Microtubules (MT) a key target in oncology : Mathematical modeling of anti-MT agents on cell migration//</color> Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Cancer modelling, 15, 2020. Published online 
-   - A. Barlukova, D. White, G. Henry, S. Honoré, F. Hubert Mathematical modeling of microtubule dynamic instability: new insight into the link between GTP-hydrolysis and microtubule aging,  M2AN, 52, p. 2433–2456, 2018. + 
-   - A. Barlukova, S. Honoré, F. Hubert Mathematical Modeling of Effect Of Microtubule-Targeted Agents On Microtubule Dynamic Instability, ESAIM Proc,  62, p. 1-16, 2018. +   <color #7092be>S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**, M. Tournus, D. White</color> <color #ff7f27>//A growth-fragmentation approach for modeling microtubule dynamic instability//</color>, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81 p. 722–758 (2019). 
-   - D. Figarella-Branger, et al. Duplications of KIAA1549 and BRAF screening by Droplet Digital PCR from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded DNA is an accurate alternative for KIAA1549-BRAF fusion detection in pilocytic astrocytomas, Modern Pathology, 31(10) , p.1490-1501, 2018. +   <color #7092be>A. Barlukova, D. White, G. Henry, S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>//Mathematical modeling of microtubule dynamic instability: new insight into the link between GTP-hydrolysis and microtubule aging//</color>,  M2AN, 52, p. 2433–2456, 2018. 
-   - D. White , S. Honoré, F. Hubert A new mathematical model for microtubule dynamic instability: exploring the effect of end-binding proteins and microtubule targeting chemotherapy drugs,  Journal Theoritical Biology, 429, p. 18-34, 2017. +   <color #7092be>A. Barlukova, S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>//Mathematical Modeling of Effect Of Microtubule-Targeted Agents On Microtubule Dynamic Instability//</color>, ESAIM Proc,  62, p. 1-16, 2018. 
-   - N. Hartung, C. Huynh, C. Gaudy-Marqueste, A. Flavian, N. Malissen,  MA Richard-Lallemand, F. Hubert, JJ Grob Study of metastatic kinetics in metastatic melanoma treated with B-RAF inhibitors: Introducing mathematical modelling of kinetics into the therapeutic decision, PLOS One, 12(5) 2017. +   <color #7092be>D. Figarella-Branger, et al.</color> //Duplications of KIAA1549 and BRAF screening by Droplet Digital PCR from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded DNA is an accurate alternative for KIAA1549-BRAF fusion detection in pilocytic astrocytomas//, Modern Pathology, 31(10) , p.1490-1501, 2018. 
-   - F. Hubert, M. Jedouaa, I. Khames, J. Olivier, O. Theodoly, A. Trescases Cell Motility in confinement : a computaional model for the shape of the cell, ESAIM Proc. And Survey, 55, p. 148-166, déc 2016. +   <color #7092be>D. White , S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>//A new mathematical model for microtubule dynamic instability: exploring the effect of end-binding proteins and microtubule targeting chemotherapy drugs//</color>,  Journal Theoritical Biology, 429, p. 18-34, 2017. 
-   - S. Honoré, F. Hubert L'adhésion thérapeutique : un nouveau challenge pour les mathématiques, A3 Magazine - Rayonnement du CNRS, juillet 2016. +   <color #7092be>N. Hartung, C. Huynh, C. Gaudy-Marqueste, A. Flavian, N. Malissen,  MA Richard-Lallemand, **F. Hubert**, JJ Grob</color> <color #ff7f27>//Study of metastatic kinetics in metastatic melanoma treated with B-RAF inhibitors: Introducing mathematical modelling of kinetics into the therapeutic decision//</color>, PLOS One, 12(5) 2017. 
-   - N. Hartung, S. Mollard, D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, G. Chapuisat, G. Henry,S. Giacometti, A. Iliadis, J.Ciccolini, C. Faivre, F. HubertMathematical Modeling of tumor growth and metastatics spreading : validation in tumor-bearing mice, Cancer Research 74, p. 6397-6407, 2014. +   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, M. Jedouaa, I. Khames, J. Olivier, O. Theodoly, A. Trescases</color> <color #ff7f27>// Cell Motility in confinement : a computaional model for the shape of the cell//</color>, ESAIM Proc. And Survey, 55, p. 148-166, déc 2016. 
-   - L. Halpern, F. Hubert A new nite volume Schwarz algorithm for advection-diusion equations, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 52(3), 2014. +   <color #7092be>S. Honoré, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// L'adhésion thérapeutique : un nouveau challenge pour les mathématiques,//</color> A3 Magazine - Rayonnement du CNRS, juillet 2016. 
-   - D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, S. Benzekry, J. Ciccolini, C. Faivre, F. Hubert, F. Verga et B. YouA mathematical model for growing metastases on oncologist's service, Computational Surgery and dual training, p. 331-338, 2014. +   <color #7092be>N. Hartung, S. Mollard, D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, G. Chapuisat, G. Henry,S. Giacometti, A. Iliadis, J.Ciccolini, C. Faivre, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// Mathematical Modeling of tumor growth and metastatics spreading : validation in tumor-bearing mice,//</color> Cancer Research 74, p. 6397-6407, 2014. 
-   - B. Andreianov, M. Bendahname, F. Hubert On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. II. Discrete functional analysis tools and applications to degenerate parabolic problems, Computational Methods in applied Mathematics, 13(4), p. 369-410, 2013. +   <color #7092be>L. Halpern, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// A new nite volume Schwarz algorithm for advection-diusion equations,//</color> SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 52(3), 2014. 
-   - N. André, D. Barbolosi, F. Billy, G. Chapuisat, E. Grenier, F. Hubert, A. Rovini Mathematical model of tumor growth controlled by metronomic chemotherapies, ESAIM Proceedings, 41, p. 77-94, 2013. +   <color #7092be>D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, S. Benzekry, J. Ciccolini, C. Faivre, **F. Hubert**, F. Verga et B. You</color> <color #ff7f27>// A mathematical model for growing metastases on oncologist's service,//</color> Computational Surgery and dual training, p. 331-338, 2014. 
-   - S. Benzekry, G. Chapuisat, J. Ciccolini , A. Erlinger, F. Hubert A new mathematical model for optimizing the combination between antiangiogenic and cytotoxic drugs in oncology, CRAS, 350, p. 23-28, 2012.  +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, M. Bendahname, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. II. Discrete functional analysis tools and applications to degenerate parabolic problems,//</color> Computational Methods in applied Mathematics, 13(4), p. 369-410, 2013. 
-   - S. Benzekry, N. André, A. Benabdallah, J. Ciccolini, C. Faivre, F. Hubert, D. BarbolosiModelling the impact of anticancer agents on metastatic spreading, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 7(1), 306-336, 2012. +   <color #7092be>N. André, D. Barbolosi, F. Billy, G. Chapuisat, E. Grenier, **F. Hubert**, A. Rovini </color> <color #ff7f27>// Mathematical model of tumor growth controlled by metronomic chemotherapies,//</color> ESAIM Proceedings, 41, p. 77-94, 2013. 
-   - B. Andreianov, M. Bendahname, F. Hubert, S. Krell On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. I. Meshing, operators and discrete duality., IMA JNA, 32(4), 1574­1603, 2012. +   <color #7092be>S. Benzekry, G. Chapuisat, J. Ciccolini , A. Erlinger, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>// A new mathematical model for optimizing the combination between antiangiogenic and cytotoxic drugs in oncology,//</color> CRAS, 350, p. 23-28, 2012.  
-   - Y. Coudière, F. HubertA 3D Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, SIAM Journal of Scientic Computing, 33(4), 1739-1764, 2011. +   <color #7092be>S. Benzekry, N. André, A. Benabdallah, J. Ciccolini, C. Faivre, **F. Hubert**, D. Barbolosi </color> <color #ff7f27>// Modelling the impact of anticancer agents on metastatic spreading,//</color> Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 7(1), 306-336, 2012. 
-   - F. Verga, B. You, A. Benabdallah, C. Faivre, C. Mercier, C. Ciccolini, F. Hubert, D. Barbolosi Modélisation du risque d'evolution metastatique chez les patients supposés avoir une maladie localisée, Oncologie, 13(8), 528-533, 2011. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, M. Bendahname, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell</color> <color #ff7f27>// On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence operators. I. Meshing, operators and discrete duality.,//</color> IMA JNA, 32(4), 1574­1603, 2012. 
-   - F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau Uniform null-controllability for space/time-discretized parabolic equations, Nümerische Math. 118(4), 601-660, 2011. +   <color #7092be>Y. Coudière, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// A 3D Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations,//</color> SIAM Journal of Scientic Computing, 33(4), 1739-1764, 2011. 
-   - C. Pocci, A. Moussa, G. Chapuisat, F. Hubert Numerical study of the stopping of aura during migraine, ESAIM : proceedings, 30, 44-52, 2010. +   <color #7092be>F. Verga, B. You, A. Benabdallah, C. Faivre, C. Mercier, C. Ciccolini, **F. Hubert**, D. Barbolosi  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Modélisation du risque d'evolution metastatique chez les patients supposés avoir une maladie localisée, //</color>Oncologie, 13(8), 528-533, 2011. 
-    F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators in arbitrary dimension and applications, SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 48(8), 5357-5397, 2010. +   <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, J. Le Rousseau  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Uniform null-controllability for space/time-discretized parabolic equations,//</color> Nümerische Math. 118(4), 601-660, 2011. 
-   - F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators and uniform controllability of semi-discretized parabolic equations, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 93(3), 240-273, 2010. +   <color #7092be>C. Pocci, A. Moussa, G. Chapuisat, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Numerical study of the stopping of aura during migraine,//</color> ESAIM : proceedings, 30, 44-52, 2010. 
-   - F. Hubert, M.-C. Viallon Algorithm to refine a finite volume mesh admissible for parabolic problems, CRAS Mécanique, 337, 95-100, 2009. +   -  <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, J. Le Rousseau  </color> <color #ff7f27>// Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators in arbitrary dimension and applications,//</color> SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 48(8), 5357-5397, 2010. 
-   - F. Boyer, F. Hubert, S. Krell A Schwarz algorithm for the Discrete Duality Finite Volume (DDFV) scheme, IMA Jour. Num. Anal., 30, 1062-1100, 2009. +   <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, J. Le Rousseau  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators and uniform controllability of semi-discretized parabolic equations, //</color>Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 93(3), 240-273, 2010. 
-   - D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, F. Hubert, F. Verga Mathematical and numerical analysis for a model of growing metastatic tumors, Mathematical Biosciences, 218(1), 1-14, 2009. +   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, M.-C. Viallon  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Algorithm to refine a finite volume mesh admissible for parabolic problems,//</color> CRAS Mécanique, 337, 95-100, 2009. 
-    P. Angot, F. Boyer, F. Hubert Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media, M2AN, 23, 239-275, 2009. +   <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell  </color> <color #ff7f27>//A Schwarz algorithm for the Discrete Duality Finite Volume (DDFV) scheme,//</color> IMA Jour. Num. Anal., 30, 1062-1100, 2009. 
-   - F. Boyer, F. Hubert Finite volume method for 2D linear and nonlinear elliptic problems with discontinuities, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 46, No 6, pp 3032-3070, 2008. +   <color #7092be>D. Barbolosi, A. Benabdallah, **F. Hubert**, F. Verga  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Mathematical and numerical analysis for a model of growing metastatic tumors,//</color> Mathematical Biosciences, 218(1), 1-14, 2009. 
-   - B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert Discrete duality finite volume schemes for Leray-Lions type problems on general 2D meshes, Numerical Methods for PDE, Vol. 23, 1, pp 145-195, 2007. +   -  <color #7092be>P. Angot, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media,//</color> M2AN, 23, 239-275, 2009. 
-   - B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert Discrete Besov framework for finite volume approximation of the p-laplacian on non uniform cartesian grids, ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 18, pp 1-10, 2007. +   <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Finite volume method for 2D linear and nonlinear elliptic problems with discontinuities,//</color> SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 46, No 6, pp 3032-3070, 2008. 
-   - B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert On finite volume approximation of regular solutions of the p-laplacian, IMA Journal Numerical Analysis, Vol. 26, 3, pp. 472-502, 2006. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Discrete duality finite volume schemes for Leray-Lions type problems on general 2D meshes,//</color> Numerical Methods for PDE, Vol. 23, 1, pp 145-195, 2007. 
-   - B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert Besov regularity and new error estimates for nite volume approximations of the p-laplacian, Num. Math, Vol. 100, 4, pp. 565-592, 2005. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Discrete Besov framework for finite volume approximation of the p-laplacian on non uniform cartesian grids,//</color> ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 18, pp 1-10, 2007. 
-   - B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert Finite volume schemes for the p-laplacian, on cartesian meshes, M2AN, Vol. 38,6, pp. 931-960, 2004. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//On finite volume approximation of regular solutions of the p-laplacian,//</color> IMA Journal Numerical Analysis, Vol. 26, 3, pp. 472-502, 2006. 
-   - R. Cautrès, R. Herbin, F. Hubert The Lions domain decomposition algorithm on non matching cell-centered nite volume meshes, IMA Journal Numerical Analysis, Vol. 24, pp. 465-490, 2004. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Besov regularity and new error estimates for nite volume approximations of the p-laplacian,//</color> Num. Math, Vol. 100, 4, pp. 565-592, 2005. 
-   - T. Gallouët, F. Hubert On the convergence of the parabolic approximation of a conservation law in several space dimensions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 20B, No 1, pp 7-10, 1999. +   <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Finite volume schemes for the p-laplacian, on cartesian meshes,//</color> M2AN, Vol. 38,6, pp. 931-960, 2004. 
-   - F. Hubert Global existence for hyperbolic-parabolic systems with large periodic initial data, Dierential and Integral Equations, Vol. 11, No 1, pp 69-83, 1998. +   <color #7092be>R. Cautrès, R. Herbin, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//The Lions domain decomposition algorithm on non matching cell-centered nite volume meshes,//</color> IMA Journal Numerical Analysis, Vol. 24, pp. 465-490, 2004. 
-   - F. Hubert Viscous perturbations of isometric solutions of the Keytz-Kranzer system, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, No 1, pp 51-55, 1997. +   <color #7092be>T. Gallouët, **F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//On the convergence of the parabolic approximation of a conservation law in several space dimensions, //</color>Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 20B, No 1, pp 7-10, 1999. 
-   - F. Hubert, D. Serre Dynamique lente-rapide pour des perturbations de systemes de lois de conservation, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Vol. 322, Serie I, pp 231-236, 1996. +   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Global existence for hyperbolic-parabolic systems with large periodic initial data,//</color> Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 11, No 1, pp 69-83, 1998. 
-   - F. Hubert, D. Serre Fast-slow dynamics for parabolic perturbations of conservation laws, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol 21, No 9-10, pp 1587-1608, 1996.+   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Viscous perturbations of isometric solutions of the Keytz-Kranzer system,//</color> Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 10, No 1, pp 51-55, 1997. 
 +   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, D. Serre  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Dynamique lente-rapide pour des perturbations de systemes de lois de conservation,//</color> Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Vol. 322, Serie I, pp 231-236, 1996. 
 +   <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, D. Serre  </color> <color #ff7f27>//Fast-slow dynamics for parabolic perturbations of conservation laws, //</color>Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol 21, No 9-10, pp 1587-1608, 1996.
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 === Articles dans des actes de conférences === === Articles dans des actes de conférences ===
-  - M. Gander, L. Halpern, F. Hubert, S. Krell Optimized Schwarz Methods for Anisotropic Diffusion with Discrete Duality Finite Volume Discretizations, FVCA9BergenJuin 2020. +  - <color #7092be>M. Gander, L. Halpern, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell</color> <color #ff7f27>// Optimized Schwarz Methods for Anisotropic Diffusion with Discrete Duality Finite Volume Discretizations, //</color> In: Klöfkorn R.Keilegavlen E.Radu F., Fuhrmann J. (eds) Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples. FVCA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 323. Springer, Cham.
-  - F. Hubert, R. Tesson  Weno scheme for transport equation on unstructured grids with a DDFV approach, FVCA8, Lille, Juin 2017. +  - <color #7092be>**F. Hubert**, R. Tesson</color> <color #ff7f27>//  Weno scheme for transport equation on unstructured grids with a DDFV approach,//</color> FVCA8, Lille, Juin 2017. 
-  - A. Barlukova, S. Honoré, F. Hubert Mathematical modeling of the microtubule dynamic instability: a new approch of GTP-tubulin hydrolysis, ITM Web of Conferences 5, 00011 (2015). +  - <color #7092be>A. Barlukova, S. Honoré, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//Mathematical modeling of the microtubule dynamic instability: a new approch of GTP-tubulin hydrolysis,//</color> ITM Web of Conferences 5, 00011 (2015). 
-  - N. Hartung, F. Hubert An efficient implementation of a 3D CeVeFE DDFV scheme on cartesian meshes and an application in image processing, FVCA7, Berlin, Juin 2014. +  - <color #7092be>N. Hartung, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//An efficient implementation of a 3D CeVeFE DDFV scheme on cartesian meshes and an application in image processing,//</color> FVCA7, Berlin, Juin 2014. 
-  - M. Gander, L. Halpern, F. Hubert, S. Krell DDFV Schwarz Ventcell algorithms , 22st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Lugano, Switzerland, Septembre 2013. +  - <color #7092be>M. Gander, L. Halpern, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell </color> <color #ff7f27>//DDFV Schwarz Ventcell algorithms ,//</color> 22st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Lugano, Switzerland, Septembre 2013. 
-  - L. Halpern, F. Hubert A new finite volume Schwarz algorithm for advection-diffusion equations, 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Rennes, Juin 2012. +  - <color #7092be>L. Halpern, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//A new finite volume Schwarz algorithm for advection-diffusion equations, //</color>21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Rennes, Juin 2012. 
-  -  M. Gander, F. Hubert, S. Krell Optimized Schwarz algorithms in the framework of DDFV schemes , 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Rennes, Juin 2012. +  -  <color #7092be>M. Gander, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell </color> <color #ff7f27>//Optimized Schwarz algorithms in the framework of DDFV schemes,//</color> 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Rennes, Juin 2012. 
-  - R. Eymard, G. Henry, R. Herbin, F. Hubert, R. Klöfkorn, G. Manzini 3D Benchmark on Discretization Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion Problems on General GridsFVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. +  - <color #7092be>R. Eymard, G. Henry, R. Herbin, **F. Hubert**, R. Klöfkorn, G. Manzini </color> <color #ff7f27>//3D Benchmark on Discretization Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion Problems on General Grids,//</color> FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. 
-  - Y. Coudière, F. Hubert, G. Manzini A CeVeFE DDFV scheme for discontinuous anisotropic permeability tensors FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. +  - <color #7092be>Y. Coudière, **F. Hubert**, G. Manzini </color> <color #ff7f27>//A CeVeFE DDFV scheme for discontinuous anisotropic permeability tensors,//</color> FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. 
-  - Y. Coudière, F. Hubert, G. Manzini Benchmark 3D : CeVeFE-DDFV, a discrete duality scheme with cell/vertex/face+edge unknown, FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. +  - <color #7092be>Y. Coudière, **F. Hubert**, G. Manzini</color> <color #ff7f27>// Benchmark 3D : CeVeFE-DDFV, a discrete duality scheme with cell/vertex/face+edge unknown,//</color> FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. 
-  - B. Andreianov, F . Hubert, S. Krell Benchmark 3D : a version of the DDFV scheme with cell/vertex unknowns on general meshesFVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. +  - <color #7092be>B. Andreianov, **F . Hubert**, S. Krell</color> <color #ff7f27>// Benchmark 3D : a version of the DDFV scheme with cell/vertex unknowns on general meshes,//</color> FVCA6, Prague, Juin 2011. 
-  - Y. Coudière, F. HubertA 3D Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, ALGORITMY, Podanske, Slovaquie, pp. 51-60, Mars 2009. +  - <color #7092be>Y. Coudière, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//A 3D Discrete Duality Finite Volume Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations,//</color> ALGORITMY, Podanske, Slovaquie, pp. 51-60, Mars 2009. 
-  - F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le RousseauOn the approximation of the null-controllability problem for parabolic equations, ALGORITMY, Podanske, Slovaquie, pp. 101-110, Mars 2009. +  - <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, J. Le Rousseau</color> <color #ff7f27>// On the approximation of the null-controllability problem for parabolic equations,//</color> ALGORITMY, Podanske, Slovaquie, pp. 101-110, Mars 2009. 
-  - R. Herbin, F. Hubert Benchmark on discretization schemes for anisotropic diffusion problems on general grids, Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. +  - <color #7092be>R. Herbin, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// Benchmark on discretization schemes for anisotropic diffusion problems on general grids,//</color> Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. 
-  - F. Boyer, F. Hubert Benchmark for Anisotropic Problems.The DDFV "discrete duality finite volumes" and m-DDFV schemes, Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. +  - <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert** </color> <color #ff7f27>//Benchmark for Anisotropic Problems.The DDFV "discrete duality finite volumes" and m-DDFV schemes,//</color> Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. 
-  - F. Boyer, F. Hubert, S. Krell Non-overlapping Schwarz algorithm for DDFV schemes on general 2D meshes, Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. +  - <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**, S. Krell </color> <color #ff7f27>//Non-overlapping Schwarz algorithm for DDFV schemes on general 2D meshes,//</color> Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008. 
-  - F. Boyer, F. Hubert The m-DDFV Method for Heterogeneous Linear and Nonlinear Elliptic Problems, Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008.+  - <color #7092be>F. Boyer, **F. Hubert**</color> <color #ff7f27>// The m-DDFV Method for Heterogeneous Linear and Nonlinear Elliptic Problems,//</color> Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Aussois, Juin 2008.