====== Publications ====== * Fitzpatrick C., Hobson E., Mendelson T., Rodriguez R., Safran R., Scordato E., Servedio M., Stern C., Symes L. and **Kopp M.** (2018).\\ //Theory meets empiry: a citation network analysis//.\\ BioScience 68: 805-812. * **Kopp M.**, Nassar E. and Pardoux E. (2018).\\ //Phenotypic lag and population extinction in the moving-optimum model: insights from a small-jumps limit//.\\ Journal of Mathematical Biology 77: 1431-1458. * **Kopp M.**, Servedio M., Mendelson T., Safran R., Rodriguez R., Hauber M., Scordato E., Symes L., Balakrishnan C., Zonana D. and van Doorn S. (2018).\\ //Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research//.\\ American Naturalist 191:1-20. * Matuszewski S., Hermisson J. and **Kopp M**. (2015).\\ //Catch me if you can: Adaptation from standing genetic variation to a moving phenotypic optimum//.\\ Genetics 200:1255-1274. * Tollrian R., Duggen S., Weiss L., Laforsch C. and **Kopp M**. (2015).\\ //Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses//.\\ Scientific Reports 5: 12736. * Matuszewski S., Hermisson J. and **Kopp M**. (2014).\\ //Fisher's geometric model with a moving optimum//.\\ Evolution 68: 2571–2588. * **Kopp M**. and Matuszewski S. (2014).\\ //Rapid evolution of quantitative traits: theoretical perspectives//.\\ Evolutionary Applications 7: 169-191. * Caspers B., Krause E., Hendrix R., **Kopp M**., Rupp O., Rosentreter K. and Steinfartz S. (2014).\\ //The more the better – polyandry and genetic similarity are positively linked to reproductive success in a natural population of terrestrial salamanders (Salamandra salamandra)//.\\ Molecular Ecology 23: 239–250. * Rettelbach A., **Kopp M**., Dieckmann U. and Hermisson J. (2013).\\ //Three modes of adaptive speciation in spatially structured populations//.\\ American Naturalist 182: E215-E234. * Safran R., Flaxman S., **Kopp M**. et al. (2012).\\ //A robust, new metric of phenotypic distance to estimate and compare multiple trait differences among populations.//\\ Current Zoology 58: 426-439. * Servedio M. and **Kopp M**. (2012).\\ //Sexual selection and magic traits in speciation with gene flow//.\\ Current Zoology 58: 510-516. * Servedio M., van Doorn S., **Kopp M**., Frame A. and Nosil P. (2012).\\ // Magic traits, pleiotropy, and effect sizes (Response to Haller et al.)//.\\ Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27: 7-8. * Servedio M., van Doorn S., **Kopp M**., Frame A. and Nosil P. (2011).\\ //Magic traits in speciation: magic but not rare?// Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 389-397. * Rettelbach A., Hermisson J., Dieckmann U. and **Kopp M**. (2011).\\ //Effects of genetic architecture on the evolution of assortative mating under frequency-dependent disruptive selection//.\\ Theoretical Population Biology 79: 82-96. * **Kopp M**. (2010).\\ //Speciation and the neutral theory of biodiversity//.\\ BioEssays 32: 564-570. * **Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2009).\\ //The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation II: The distribution of adaptive substitutions in the moving optimum model//.\\ Genetics 183: 1453-1476. * **Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2009).\\ //The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation I: Fixation of beneficial mutations in the moving optimum model//.\\ Genetics 182: 233-249. * Alvarez-Castro J.-M.,** Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2009).\\ //Effects of epistasis and the evolution of genetic architecture: exact results for a 2-locus model//.\\ Theoretical Population Biology 75: 109-122. *** Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2008).\\ //Competitive speciation and costs of choosiness//.\\ Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1005-1023. * Pennings P.S., **Kopp M**., Meszena G., Dieckmann U., and Hermisson J. (2008).\\ //An analytically tractable model for competitive speciation//.\\ American Naturalist 171: E44-E71. * **Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2007).\\ //Adaptation of a quantitative trait to a moving optimum//.\\ Genetics 176: 715-719. * **Kopp M**. and Hermisson J. (2006).\\ //The evolution of genetic architecture under frequency-dependent disruptive selection//.\\ Evolution 60: 1537-1550. * Jeschke J.M., **Kopp M**. and Tollrian R. (2006).\\ //Time and energy constraints: reply to Nolet and Klaassen (2005)//.\\ Oikos 114: 553-554. * **Kopp M**. and Gavrilets S. (2006).\\ //Multilocus genetics and the coevolution of quantitative traits//.\\ Evolution 60: 1321-1336. * **Kopp M**. and Gabriel W. (2006).\\ //The effect of an inducible defense in the Nicholson-Bailey model//.\\ Theoretical Population Biology 70: 43-55. * Jeschke J.M., **Kopp M**. and Tollrian R. (2004).\\ //Consumer-food systems: Why type 1 functional responses are exclusive to filter feeders//.\\ Biological Reviews 79: 337-349. * **Kopp M**. and Tollrian R. (2003).\\ //Reciprocal phenotypic plasticity in a predator-prey system:\\ inducible offences against inducible defences?// Ecology Letters 6: 742-748. * ** Kopp M**. and Tollrian R. (2003).\\ //Trophic size polyphenism in Lembadion bullinum: costs and benefits of an inducible offense.//\\ Ecology 84: 641-651. * Jeschke J.M., **Kopp M**. and Tollrian R. (2002).\\ //Predator functional response: discriminating between handling and digesting prey.//\\ Ecological Monographs 72: 95-112. * **Kopp M**., Jeschke J.M. and Gabriel W. (2001).\\ //Exact compensation of stream drift as an evolutionarily stable strategy.//\\ Oikos 92: 522-530.