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wikipage [2021/03/04 08:17] bedaridewikipage [2024/01/09 07:42] (Version actuelle) bedaride
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 ====== Recherche ====== ====== Recherche ======
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-Tous les articles sont accessibles sur [[|Arxiv]]+Tous les articles sont accessibles sur [[|Arxiv]] ou [[ |Hal]]
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-**Articles publiés.** +
-  -Directional billiard complexity in rational polyhedra.Regular and chaotic dynamical systems. 2003, volume 8, numéro 1, pages 97-104. +
-  -Billiard complexity in the hypercube. N.Bedaride & P.Hubert. Annales de l'institut Fourier. 2007, tome 57, numéro 3, pages 719-738. +
-  -Topological entropy of polyhedral billiard. Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. 2007, volume 19, numéro 1, pages 89-102. +
-  -Classification of rotations on the torus T2. Theoretical Computer science. 2007, volume 385, issues 1-3, pages 214-225. +
-  - Periodic trajectories in polyhedral billiard. Forum geometricorum. 2008 Volume 8, pages 107-120. +
-  -Combinatoire du billard. 15pp. Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie 2008. +
-  - Directional complexity of the hypercubic billiard. Discrete mathematics. 2009 Volume 309, pp. 2053-2066. +
-  - Number of balanced words for a given length and height. N. Bédaride & E. Domenjoud, D. Jamet, J.L. Remy (LORIA, Nancy). Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer sciences. 2010, volume 3, 41-62. +
-  - Outer billiard outside regular polygons. N. Bédaride & J. Cassaigne (IML, Marseille). Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 2011, Numero 83 volume 2, 301-323. +
-  - Characterization of quasi-rational polygons. N. Bédaride. Nonlinearity 25 (2012) 3099-3110. +
-  - Geometric realizations of substitutive tilings. N. Bédaride & A. Hilion. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 2013 Volume 4, 255-279. +
-  - Minoration of complexity function associated to translations on the torus. N. Bédaride & J.F. Bertazzon. Monatshefte fur Mathematik. 2013 Volume 171, Issue 3, Page 291-304. +
-  - Regular simplex and periodic billiard orbits. N.Bédaride & M. Rao. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2014, Volume 142 (10),pages3511-3519. +
-  When periodicities enforce aperiodicityNBédaride & Th. Fernique (LIPN, Paris). Communication in Mathematical Physics. 2015 Volume 335, Issue 3, Page 1099-1120. +
-  -  No weak local rules for the 4p-fold tilings. N.Bédaride Th. Fernique. 14pp. Discrete and computational geometry. 2015 Volume 54, Issue 4, Page 980-992.  +
-  - Weak local rules for planar octagonal tilings. N. Bédaride Th. Fernique. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2017 Volume 222, 63–89. +
-  - An example of PET. Computation of the Hausdorff dimension. N. Bédaride J.F. Bertazzon. Transactions of the AMS. 2018 Vol 370, no. 1, 357–391.  +
-  -  Symbolic dynamics for the piecewise rotations: Case of the bijective non symmetric maps. N. Bédaride I. Kaboré. Qualitative theory of dynamical systems. 2018 Vol 17(3), 651-664. +
-  - Topological substitution and Rauzy fractal. N.Bédaride A. Hilion T. Jolivet. Bulletin de la SMF. 2018 Tome 146, Fascicule 3, p575-612. +
-  - Canonical projection tiling defined by patterns.  Avec  Th. Fernique. Geometriae Dedicata. 2020 Vol 208, 157-175. +
-  - Graph towers, laminations and their invariant measures.  N. Bédaride  A. HilionM. Lustig. Journal of London mathematical Society 2020, Vol 101, Issue 3, pp 1112-1172. +
-  -  Symbolic dynamics for the piecewise rotations: Case of the bijective symmetric maps. N. Bédaride I. Kaboré. 20 pp. The african diaspora journal of mathematics. 2020 Vol 23, no1, 70-87. +
-  -  Tower power for $S$-adics.N. Bédaride  AHilion & MLustig20 pagesMathematische Zeitschrift. To appear, 2021. +
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-**Articles soumis** +
-  * Cohomology and cut and project tilings. N. Bédaride & F. Gähler& A. G. Lecuona. 60 pp. +
-  * Density of Binary Compact Disc Packings. N. Bédaride & Th. Fernique. 24 pp. +
-  * Renormalization operator for substitutions. N. Bédaride & P. Hubert& R. Leplaideur. 29 pp. +
-  * Invariant measures on finite rank subshifts. N. Bédaride & A. Hilion & M. Lustig. 20 pp. +
-  * S-adic systems of complexity $2n+1$ and translations on the torus. N. Pytheas Fogg. 64 pp. +
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 **Articles en cours.** **Articles en cours.**
- +   * Expansive directions of cut-and-project systems. N. Bédaride& Th. Fernique& I. Galanov& P. Guillon. 15pp. 
-  * Language of billiard in the cube. M. Barro & N. Bédaride & J. Cassaigne. +    Language of billiard in the cube. M. Barro & N. Bédaride & J. Cassaigne. 13pp
-  Non bijective piecewise rotationsN. Bédaride & J. FBertazzon IKaboré. +   Thermodynamics formalism and Thue Morse subshiftNB & J. Cassaigne & PHubert RLeplaideur 
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  • Dernière modification : 2021/03/04 08:17
  • de bedaride