Serge Troubetzkoy
o Affiliation
I am a member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, UMR 7373.
I am a professor at the Department of Mathematics at Aix-Marseille University
I am also affiliated with the Fédéderation de Recherche des Unités de Mathématiques de Marseille

o Enseignement/Teaching
Mathématiques en anglais
Outils mathématiques (Portail Pasteur)

o Doctoral students
Firas Ben Rambhane (2023)
Jean-François Bertazzon (2010)
Nicholas Bedaride (2005).
o Research My research interests are in dynamical systems, dimension theory, billiards, symbolic dynamics, and cellular automata. My recent articles are available online through my publication list. Various slide talks are available. You can check some details of my career by looking at my vita
o Coauthors P. Balint, J. Bobok, S. Bundfuss, M. Boshernitzan, H. Bruin, L. Bunimovich, J. Cassaigne, E. Catsigeras, C.-H. Chang, J. Činč, N. Chernov, Y. Coudene, A-.H. Fan, D. Davis, J. Gaivão, G. Galperin, E. Gutkin, B. Hasselblatt, P. Hubert, T. Krueger, G. Langdon, S. Lelievre, M. Lenci, A. Malaga Sabogal, R. Markarian, J. Mestecky, A. Nogueira, H.H. Nguyen, B. Pires, J. Propp, P. Oprocha, L. Pustilnikov, C. Rojas, D. Ralston, M. Russel, B. Saussol, J. Schmeling, M. Schmoll, R. Schubert, P. Seibt, A. Skripchenko, S. Sutherland, S. Tabachnikov, S. Vaienti, P. Varandas, H.L. Vu
o My Erdos number is at most 3 via many different paths:
Troubetzkoy -> Cassaigne -> Mauduit -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Cassaigne -> Sarkozy -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Hubert -> Sarkozy -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Boshernitzan -> Bergelson -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Boshernitzan -> Fraenkel -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Boshernitzan -> Kolesnik -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Boshernitzan -> Rubel -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Gale -> Hoffman -> Erdos
Troubetzkoy -> Gutkin -> Kac -> Erdos
o Elsa Troubetzkoy art-thérapeute

Institut de Mathématique de Marseille
Luminy Case 907
13288 Marseille Cedex 9
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