Groups and dynamics

Cours du master recherche en mathématiques 2e année

Premier semestre 2020-2021

Thierry Coulbois et Arnaud Hilion


This course explore the deep links between Geometric Group Theory and Dynamics. This is a very and successful field of modern mathematics. We will try to go through the work of:

This will always stay close to hyperbolic geometry and Mapping Class Groups. On the way we may need to study fundamental groups (of graphs and surfaces). We will also keep an eye on Gromov's hyperbolic groups.



Le cours a lieu le mardi de 9h à 12h à la Frumam à Saint-Charles, I offer to zoom all courses for those students who corona-stay home.

mardi 29 septembre Thierry Coulbois Free Groups:
  1. Words, reduced words, definition
  2. Some computations in free groups: cyclically-reduced normal form, no torsion, commutative-transitivity
  3. Ping-pong in SL2(Z), (see Johanna Mangahas Office Hours,chapter 5)
  4. Playing ping-pong in the Hyperbolic Plane with two loxodromic Möbius transformations
  5. Cayley graph of a free group (see Matt Clay's Office Hours pp 30-33)
  6. Serre's definition of a graph
  7. A group acting freely on a tree is free
Some exercices
mardi 6 octobre Thierry Coulbois Group acting on trees:
  1. A group acting freely on a tree (without inversions) is free: proof (I followed the proof of Dan Margalit Office Hours pp 50-54 , but warning there is an erratum and even with the erratum...)
  2. Graphs as metric spaces
  3. Classification of isometries of trees, axes of loxodromic isometries
  4. Parallel with the classification of isometries of the hyperbolic plane
  5. Fundamental group of graphs (see section 4.1 of Matt Clay's Office Hours)
  6. Subgroup of free groups as fundamental group of graphs (see section 4.2 and 4.3 of Matt Clay's Office Hours)
  7. Stallings foldings (see section 4.2 and 4.3 of Matt Clay's Office Hours)
One more exercice
mardi 13 octobre Thierry Coulbois
  • An example of subgroup of the free group through foldings (Taken from Matt Clay's Office hours, project 1, p 83)
  • Coverings and subgroups of finite index
  • Dynamics of free group automorphisms : (Matt Clay's Office hours, chapter 6 rather deals with the question of train-tracks, but you will see there Perron-Frobenius theorem)
    • Iterating tribonacci on letters to get infinite words
    • Expansion of free group automorphisms
    • Cooper cancellation bound
    • Iterating tribonacci on trees
    • Twisting the action
    • Trees as metric spaces
    • Renormalization and convergence of the distances
    • R-trees
    • Gromov four points condition (See Moon Ducin's Office hours pp 180-181)
Even more exercices
mardi 20 octobre Thierry Coulbois Hyperbolic surfaces, the hyperbolic aspect of this course is close to Moon DUCHIN's Office Hours 9.3
  • Regular 4g-gones in the hyperbolic plane
  • The genus g surface with a hyperbolic structure (g≥2)
  • Fundamental group of a topological space. See Algebraic Topology of W. MASSEY or online: A. HATCHER's Algebraic Topology, Chapter 1.
    • paths, loops, homotopies
    • Deformation-retract
    • Seifert - van Kampen Theorem
  • The fundamental group of the surface Sg
  • Free products (again this is covered in details by A. HATCHER's Algebraic Topology, Chapter 1)
    • Universal property
    • Free products as groups of reduced words
    • Free products with amlagamation as groups of reduced words
  • Universal covers
  • Tiling of the hyperbolic plane by regular 4g-gones
  • The Cayley graph of the fundamental group of Sg inside the hyperbolic plane
mardi 8 décembre Exam and its correction

Page créée mardi 28 septembre 2021. Page créée et maintenue par Thierry Coulbois