SpaceBody Exercice, for Sunday, November, 9th:

Write a class SpaceBody for the space bodies (the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, the Moon,...). A SpaceBody should have a name, a center for its orbit and an identity number.

This class should look like the Employee class we studied.

Provide a constructor and accessors to the different fields.

Then write a class to test your SpaceBody class: enter several space bodies, and print out some of them.

/**A Space Body (planets, stars, moons) has a name, a center for its orbit,
and an Id number. All Id numbers are different.
@author Thierry Coulbois
@date November, 12th, 2002
class SpaceBody{
    private String name;      //All fields are private. As they should always be.
    private SpaceBody orbitCenter;
    private int idNumber;
    private static int nextIdNumber=1; //A static field to calculate the idNumber of new SpaceBodies.
    /**Constructor. We write only one constructor : you need to know the name and the orbitCenter
    of a SpaceBody before creating it.
    public SpaceBody(String aName, SpaceBody aCenter){
        idNumber=nextIdNumber; //IdNumber is calculated according to nextIdNumber.
        nextIdNumber++;        //New value of nextIdNumber.
    public String getName(){
        return name;
    public SpaceBody getOrbitCenter(){
        return orbitCenter;
    public int getIdNumber(){
        return idNumber;

/**Test the SpaceBody class.
   Create the sun, Mercury, Venus, The Earth and the Moon.
   Printout some of the datas.
class SpaceBodyTest{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        SpaceBody sun = new SpaceBody("The Sun",null);
        SpaceBody mercury = new SpaceBody("Mercury",sun);
        SpaceBody venus = new SpaceBody("Venus",sun);
        SpaceBody earth = new SpaceBody("The Earth",sun);
        SpaceBody moon = new SpaceBody("The Moon",earth);
        System.out.println(moon.getName()+" ("+moon.getIdNumber()+") is orbiting around "
        System.out.println(mercury.getName()+" ("+mercury.getIdNumber()
                +") is orbiting around the space body of Id number: "