Day of Short Talks on Combinatorics on Words

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Day of Short Talks on Combinatorics on Words, February 22, 2021

This mini-event, organized by One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar, is designed to take the place of a small and very informal conference in our field, since many of us miss direct communication of this kind.

The event will consist of short talks in 25-minute slots, including your new results, discussions, and open questions. If you are interested in giving such a talk, please send your title and abstract to Anna Frid ( as soon as possible.

The abstracts (with eventual references to, slides and some videos of talks will be published at this page.

Deadline for submissions: January 24, 2021

Interested speakers

Ibai Aedo On long arithmetic progressions in binary Morse-like words

In this talk, I will present a joint work with Uwe Grimm, Yasushi Nagai and Petra Staynova based on a recent preprint: arXiv:2101.02056. Regarding the Prouhet-Thue-Morse word as a two-colouring of the positive integers, we look for long monochromatic arithmetic progressions occurring in the sequence.

The size of the longest arithmetic progression of difference $d=2^n-1$ was previously established by O. Parshina. Using a different approach, mainly based on exploiting the substitution structure of the Prouhet-Thue-Morse word, we will show how we can re-establish this result and find another series of long arithmetic progressions of difference d=2^n+1. Then, we will comment on a generalisation of these results for a special class of bijective binary words, and we will finish with some more general results and some open questions.

Mélodie Andrieu A Rauzy fractal unbounded in all directions of the plane

Until 2001 it was believed that, as for Sturmian words, the imbalance of Arnoux-Rauzy words was bounded - or at least finite. Cassaigne, Ferenczi and Zamboni disproved this conjecture by constructing an Arnoux-Rauzy word with infinite imbalance, i.e. a word whose broken line deviates regularly and further and further from its average direction. Today, we hardly know anything about the geometrical and topological properties of these unbalanced Rauzy fractals. The Oseledets theorem suggests that these fractals are contained in a strip of the plane: indeed, if the Lyapunov exponents of the matricial product associated with the word exist, one of these exponents at least is nonpositive since their sum equals zero. The study of the pairs of abelianized factors of Arnoux-Rauzy words disproves this belief.

Célia Cisternino Two applications of the composition of a $2$-tape automaton and a weighted automaton

Starting with a $2$-tape automaton ${\mathcal A}$ and a weighted automaton ${\mathcal B}$, we can obtain a new $K$-automaton using an ad hoc operation that can be considered as the composition ${\mathcal B}\circ {\mathcal A}$. First, I will define and illustrate this operation. Next, I will present an application of this operation on automata in terms of synchronized relation and formal series. In particular, using the characterization of synchronized sequences in terms of synchronized relations and that of regular sequences in terms of formal series, I will present two consequences of this composition of automata in the theory of regular sequences.

This is a joint work with Émilie Charlier and Manon Stipulanti based on two recent papers: arXiv:2012.04969 and arXiv:2006.11126.

Francesco Dolce On morphisms preserving palindromic richness

A finite word is said to be rich if it has maximal number of palindromic factors (this is known to be the length of the word plus one). This definition can be naturally extended to infinite words.Sturmian words and Rote complementary symmetric sequences form two classes of binary rich words, while strict episturmian words and words coding symmetric interval exchange transformations give us other examples on larger alphabets. In this talk we study homomorphisms of the free monoid which allow to construct new rich words from already known rich words. In particular, we focus on two types of morphisms: Arnoux-Rauzy morphisms and morphisms from Class $P_{ret}$. These morphisms contain Sturmian morphisms as a subclass. We show that Arnoux-Rauzy morphisms preserve the set of all rich words. We also characterize $P_{ret}$ morphisms which preserve richness on binary alphabet. This is a joint work with Edita Pelantová.

Lubka Dvořáková On balanced sequences with the minimal asymptotic critical exponent

We study balanced sequences over a $d$-letter alphabet, $d\geq 3$. Any balanced sequence is defined by a Sturmian sequence and two periodic constant gap sequences $y$ and $y‘$. The minimal value $E(d)$ of the critical exponent of balanced sequences over a $d$-letter alphabet has been recently determined by Baranwal, Rampersad, Shallit, and Vandomme for $d\leq 8$. We focus on the minimal asymptotic critical exponent $E^*(d)$. We show that $E(d)$ and $E^*(d)$ coincide if $d\leq 5$ and differ if $6\leq d\leq 8$. We determine $E^*(6) $ and give an upper bound on $E^*(d)$, $d\leq 15$.

Our method is based on the construction of a finite directed labeled graph $\Gamma$ which depends on the period lengths of $y$ and $y'$ and on a parameter $\beta>1$. The graph has the following property: If $\Gamma$ does not contain an oriented cycle, then any balanced sequence arising by $y$ and $y‘$ has the asymptotic critical exponent at least $\beta$. On the other hand, if $\Gamma$ contains an oriented cycle labeled by $p$, then we inspect all balanced sequences associated to Sturmian sequences whose slopes have the continued fraction expansion with the period $p$. The program we have implemented finds among them the balanced sequence with the minimal asymptotic critical exponent.

This is a joint work with Edita Pelantová.

Štěpán Holub Formalization of Combinatorics on Words in Isabelle/HOL

We present an ongoing project of formalization of Combinatorics on Words in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL.

Florin Manea Efficiently Testing Simon's Congruence full text

Simon's congruence $\sim_k$ is a relation on words defined by Imre Simon in the 1970s and intensely studied since then. This congruence was initially used in connection to piecewise testable languages, but also found many applications in, e.g., learning theory, databases theory, or linguistics. The $\sim_k$-relation is defined as follows: two words are $\sim_k$-congruent if they have the same set of subsequences of length at most $k$. A long standing open problem, stated already by Simon in his initial works on this topic, was to design an algorithm which computes, given two words $s$ and $t$, the largest $k$ for which $s\sim_k t$. We propose the first algorithm solving this problem in linear time $O(|s|+|t|)$ when the input words are over the integer alphabet $\{1,\ldots,|s|+|t|\}$ (or other alphabets which can be sorted in linear time). Our approach can be extended to an optimal algorithm in the case of general alphabets as well.

To achieve these results, we introduce a novel data-structure, called Simon-Tree, which allows us to construct a natural representation of the equivalence classes induced by $\sim_k$ on the set of suffixes of a word, for all $k\geq 1$. We show that such a tree can be constructed for an input word in linear time. Then, when working with two words $s$ and $t$, we compute their respective Simon-Trees and efficiently build a correspondence between the nodes of these trees. This correspondence, which can also be constructed in linear time $O(|s|+|t|)$, allows us to retrieve the largest $k$ for which $s\sim_k t$.

Jane D. Palacio Coverable bi-infinite substitution shifts

A finite or infinite word $w$ is said to be coverable if it can be formed by overlapping or adjacent occurrences of some finite subword $u$ of $w$. Coverability of finite words was introduced by A. Apostolico and A. Ehrenfeucht in the context of text algorithms in 1993. In 2004, S. Marcus extended the concept of coverability to (one-sided) infinite sequences. In this presentation, we will define the notion of coverable bi-infinite shifts.

In general, coverability of subshifts is not topologically invariant. Nevertheless, we show that a special type of coverability of substitutive shifts is invariant under topological conjugacy. To better understand coverability of bi-infinite shifts, we aim to identify properties of substitutions that ensure coverability or non-coverability of its associated shifts.

This is joint work with Manuel Joseph Loquias and Eden Delight Miro.

Christophe Reutenauer An arithmetical characterization of Christoffel words

Christoffel word have many combinatorial characterizations. I propose a new one, of arithmetical nature: a primitive word on the alphabet $11$, $22$ is a Christoffel word if and only if for any of its conjugates, $u=a_1\cdots a_{2n}$ say, one has $p(a_1,\ldots,a_{2n}) - p(a_2,\ldots,a_{2n-1}) < 3 p(a_2,\ldots,a_{2n})$.

Here $p(x_1,\ldots,x_k)$ denotes the continuant polynomials, defined recursively by $p()=1$, $p(x_1)=x_1$, and $p(x_1,\ldots,x_k)=x_1p(x_2,\ldots,x_k)+p(x_3,\ldots,x_k)$.

These polynomials are well-known in the theory of continued fractions. One has for example $p(x,y)=xy+1$, $p(x,y,z)=xyz+x+z$, $p(x,y,z,t)=xyzt+xy+xt+zt+1$.

The characterization above is motivated by the theory of Markoff. As intermediate result, I prove another characterization: a primitive word $w$ on the alphabet $\{a<b\}$ is a Christoffel word if and only for any conjugate $aub$ (resp. $bua$) of $w$, one has $u \geq_{lex} \tilde u$ (resp. $u \leq_{lex} \tilde u$). This condition must be called the finitary Markoff condition, due to its similarity to Markoff’s condition on bi-infinite words, which appears in his articles of 1880.

Jeffrey Shallit Robbins and Ardila meet Berstel

In this short talk I show how to obtain a result of Robbins and (later) Ardila on partitions of integers in Fibonacci numbers, and much more, using a 2001 transducer created by Jean Berstel. The “fun” part is that once you have Berstel's transducer, the rest follows by purely computational means.