

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Chargée de Recherche (CR) • Affiliation : Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Site : Saint-Charles • Bureau : CE-03 • Etage du bureau : 1 (bât. 8) •

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Systèmes dynamiques symboliques
  • Systèmes dynamiques mesurés
  • Systèmes dynamiques géométriques


Publications HAL

2022/01 Bulletin of the London Mathematical SocietyFree actions of large groups on complex threefolds

2021/01 Transactions of the American Mathematical SocietyAutomorphisms of compact K\ »ahler manifolds with slow dynamics

2021/01 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical SocietyTiling billiards and Dynnikov’s helicoid

2019/10 Trees and flowers on a billiard table

2019/01 Experimental MathematicsTriangle tiling billiards and the exceptional family of their escaping trajectories: circumcenters and Rauzy gasket

2018/12 Arnold Mathematical JournalEpicycles in hyperbolic sky

2018/06 O. Paris-Romaskevich – Triangle tiling billiards : a hopscotch guided by an interval exchange transformation with flips

2016/01 Journal of Dynamical and Control SystemsSternberg Linearization Theorem for Skew Products

2016/01 Geometriae DedicataMean convergence of Markovian spherical averages for measure-preserving actions of the free group

2014/01 Moscow Mathematical JournalAsymptotic Properties of Arnold Tongues and Josephson Effect

2014/01 L’Enseignement MathématiqueOn the incenters of triangular orbits on elliptic billiards

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