

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

V. Paternostro (TU Berlin): Fibers as a tool to characterize frames of translates

Date(s) : 12/09/2014   iCal
14h00 - 15h00

Fibers as a tool to characterize frames of translates by Victoria Paternostro (TU Berlin)\n\nIn this talk we will see how to analyze frame properties on systems of translates using fiberization techniques. We will first discuss the concept of fibers in L_2(R^d) and its relationship with systems of the form {T_kφ : k ∈ Z^d\, φ ∈ A} where A is a set of functions of L2(R^d) and T_k is the shift operator by k. We will then see how this notion can be defined in more general contexts than L_2(R^d). Mainly\, we will work with fibers designed to deal with systems in Hilbert spaces generated by the action of a discrete group. We will provide several examples to illustrate the theory. \nThe results we present in this talk are in collaboration with D. Barbieri\, C. Cabrelli and Eugenio Hernandez.

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