

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3


Principal investigator :

Alexander BUFETOV

European project manager :

Romain TEYCHENE (CNRS Ingénieur d’études) from 2015/11/15 to 2019/12/31

Core-Researchers :

Post-doctoral fellows :

Yiting LI since 2019/10/24

Ilia SMILGA since 2019/09/01

Sergey BEREZIN since 2019/04/01

Adrien BOULANGER from 2018/09/01 to 2020/08/31 (24 months)

Joanna KULAGA-PRZYMUS from 2017/02/01 to 2017/07/31 (6 months)

Pavel NIKITIN from 2016/01/01 to 2017/03/31 (15 months)

Shilei FAN from 2016/07/01 to 2017/01/31 (7 months)

PhD students :

Pierre LAZAG since 2016/09/01

Juan MARSHALL since 2018/09/01

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