

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

The Chaotic properties of the point processes

CIRM, Luminy, Marseille

Date(s) : 25/09/2017 - 06/10/2017   iCal


Several important results in the theory of determinantal point processes were established during the past years. First of all, recall that a determinantal process is rigid if for any ball the number of points inside this ball is almost surely determined by the configuration outside the ball. The proof of the rigidity for a list of determinantal point that were explicity described by A.Bufetov for a large class of processes. The next natural question is to consider the limit when the size of the ball tends to infinity, it was done in a recent paper of A.Kujillars and E.Mina-Diaz.
Second, we have a recent proof of the uniqueness of the functional CLT for the sine process by A.Bufetov and A.Dymov.
Then, we have a partial proof of the uniqueness of the symmetric kernel of the process by M.Stevens.
We plan to discuss the details of this fascinating developments and the methods of the proofs of the corresponding statements in Pfaffian case.

Organisateurs :
Alexander BUFETOV (I2M, Marseille)
Pavel NIKITIN (University of Washington Seattle)

Participants :

Pierre LAZAG (I2M, Marseille)
Ivan LOSEV (NRU-HSE, Moscow)
Marco STEVENS (KU Leuven)
Alexander TARASOV (NRU-HSE, Moscow)
Dmitry ZUBOV (NRU-HSE, Moscow)

Site web du workshop (à venir)
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CIRM, Luminy

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