

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

13 Sep

Floer and Symplectic Homology and Contact Loci in Arc Spaces (Morlet Chair - Javier Fernandez de Bodadilla)

CIRM - Jean-Morlet Chair Singularity Theory from Modern Perspectives Javier FERNANDEZ DE BOBADILLA & Anne PICHON 2021 - semester 2 RESEARCH IN PAIRS Floer and [...]
20 Sep

Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics

20/09/2021 - 24/09/2021    
Time Schedule Abstracts Participants Videos CONFERENCE Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics Avancer les connections dans la dynamique complexe 20 - 24 September 2021 [su_spacer size="10"] [...]
24 Sep

Strictly local self-assembly algorithm for a quasiperiodic octagonal tiling

11h00 - 12h30
Self-assembly is the process in which the components of a system, whether molecules, polymers, or macroscopic particles, are organized into ordered structures as a result [...]
24 Sep

Algorithme de pavage

Ilya Galanov

14h00 - 17h00
suite du Teich

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