Register to the benchmark session

If you are interested with the benchmark session, please register by giving your email. This is non mandatory, but is important in order to be informed of any update that might occur on the tests or the meshes.

"; }else{ # Un email passe en parametre. $email = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST["email"])); if (!ereg("^.+@.+\\..+$",$email)){ # Mauvais email exit("Invalid email.

Return"); } # L'email existe-t-il deja dans la base? $r_bench = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table_bench WHERE email='$email'"); if (mysql_num_rows($r_bench)!=0) exit("You have already registered to the benchmark session."); # Sinon, on injecte l'email et on l'envoie a $email_bench $res_insertion = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_bench (email,date) VALUES ('$email',NOW())"); $message = "Bonjour Raphaële. \n\n Une nouvelle inscription à la session benchmark vient d'être faite, avec l'email: $email"; $headers = "From: FVCA5 Organizing Committee <" . EMAIL_CONF . ">"; $sujet = "[FVCA 5 - Benchmark] NouvellNew inscription"; $res_envoiemail = mail($email_bench,$sujet,$message,$headers); if ($res_insertion && $res_envoiemail){ echo "You have been registered to the benchmark session.

Thank you."; }else{ echo "There has been a problem with your inscription. Please contact the webmaster."; } } ?>