
  • Poset positional games. [LIPIcs] [arXiv] [HAL] [PDF]
    FUN2024: 12th International Conference on "Fun with Algorithms".
    With G. Bagan, E. Duchêne, V. Gledel, M. Mikalački, N. Oijid, A. Parreau and M. Stojaković.
  • (k−2)-linear connected components in hypergraphs of rank k. [DMTCS] [arXiv] [HAL] [PDF]
    Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 25:3 special issue ICGT'22, 2023.
    With S. Gravier and I. Sivignon.
  • An update on the coin-moving game on the square grid. [arXiv] [HAL] [PDF]
    Games of No Chance, vol. 6 (to appear).
    With S. Gravier and I. Sivignon.


  • Maker-Breaker is solved in polynomial time on hypergraphs of rank 3. [arXiv] [PDF]
    Submitted (2022) as: "Structural tools for the Maker-Breaker game. Application to hypergraphs of rank 3: strategies and tractability."
    With S. Gravier and I. Sivignon.

PhD thesis

  • Hypergraphs and the Maker-Breaker game: a structural approach. [HAL] [PDF] [slides]
    PhD thesis in Mathematics & Computer Science at Université Grenoble Alpes. Defended on July 3, 2023.
    Supervised by Sylvain Gravier and Isabelle Sivignon.

Master's theses

  • A coin-moving game on graphs. [HAL] [PDF]
    Master's thesis in Operations Research, Optimization and Combinatorics at Université Grenoble Alpes. 2019.
    Supervised by Sylvain Gravier and Isabelle Sivignon.
  • Mélange d'un jeu de cartes : le riffle shuffle. [HAL] [PDF]
    Master's thesis in Probability Theory at Sorbonne Université. 2018.
    Supervised by Justin Salez.


  • A note sent to Persi Diaconis in 2018, detailing the resolution of his conjecture about the guessing game (with feedback) on a deck of cards shuffled by one or several riffle shuffles, as well as some further comments.
  • My M1 TER (in French, 2016) in measure theory at Sorbonne Université, under the supervision of Jean-François Babadjian.