Trace: publicationspage



  • Fitzpatrick C., Hobson E., Mendelson T., Rodriguez R., Safran R., Scordato E., Servedio M., Stern C., Symes L. and Kopp M. (2018).
    Theory meets empiry: a citation network analysis.
    BioScience 68: 805-812.
  • Kopp M., Nassar E. and Pardoux E. (2018).
    Phenotypic lag and population extinction in the moving-optimum model: insights from a small-jumps limit.
    Journal of Mathematical Biology 77: 1431-1458.
  • Kopp M., Servedio M., Mendelson T., Safran R., Rodriguez R., Hauber M., Scordato E., Symes L., Balakrishnan C., Zonana D. and van Doorn S. (2018).
    Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research.
    American Naturalist 191:1-20.
  • Matuszewski S., Hermisson J. and Kopp M. (2015).
    Catch me if you can: Adaptation from standing genetic variation to a moving phenotypic optimum.
    Genetics 200:1255-1274.
  • Tollrian R., Duggen S., Weiss L., Laforsch C. and Kopp M. (2015).
    Density-dependent adjustment of inducible defenses.
    Scientific Reports 5: 12736.
  • Matuszewski S., Hermisson J. and Kopp M. (2014).
    Fisher's geometric model with a moving optimum.
    Evolution 68: 2571–2588.
  • Kopp M. and Matuszewski S. (2014).
    Rapid evolution of quantitative traits: theoretical perspectives.
    Evolutionary Applications 7: 169-191.
  • Caspers B., Krause E., Hendrix R., Kopp M., Rupp O., Rosentreter K. and Steinfartz S. (2014).
    The more the better – polyandry and genetic similarity are positively linked to reproductive success in a natural population of terrestrial salamanders (Salamandra salamandra).
    Molecular Ecology 23: 239–250.
  • Rettelbach A., Kopp M., Dieckmann U. and Hermisson J. (2013).
    Three modes of adaptive speciation in spatially structured populations.
    American Naturalist 182: E215-E234.
  • Safran R., Flaxman S., Kopp M. et al. (2012).
    A robust, new metric of phenotypic distance to estimate and compare multiple trait differences among populations.
    Current Zoology 58: 426-439.
  • Servedio M. and Kopp M. (2012).
    Sexual selection and magic traits in speciation with gene flow.
    Current Zoology 58: 510-516.
  • Servedio M., van Doorn S., Kopp M., Frame A. and Nosil P. (2012).
    Magic traits, pleiotropy, and effect sizes (Response to Haller et al.).
    Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27: 7-8.
  • Servedio M., van Doorn S., Kopp M., Frame A. and Nosil P. (2011).
    Magic traits in speciation: magic but not rare? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26: 389-397.
  • Rettelbach A., Hermisson J., Dieckmann U. and Kopp M. (2011).
    Effects of genetic architecture on the evolution of assortative mating under frequency-dependent disruptive selection.
    Theoretical Population Biology 79: 82-96.
  • Kopp M. (2010).
    Speciation and the neutral theory of biodiversity.
    BioEssays 32: 564-570.
  • Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2009).
    The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation II: The distribution of adaptive substitutions in the moving optimum model.
    Genetics 183: 1453-1476.
  • Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2009).
    The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation I: Fixation of beneficial mutations in the moving optimum model.
    Genetics 182: 233-249.
  • Alvarez-Castro J.-M., Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2009).
    Effects of epistasis and the evolution of genetic architecture: exact results for a 2-locus model.
    Theoretical Population Biology 75: 109-122.
  • Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2008).
    Competitive speciation and costs of choosiness.
    Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1005-1023.
  • Pennings P.S., Kopp M., Meszena G., Dieckmann U., and Hermisson J. (2008).
    An analytically tractable model for competitive speciation.
    American Naturalist 171: E44-E71.
  • Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2007).
    Adaptation of a quantitative trait to a moving optimum.
    Genetics 176: 715-719.
  • Kopp M. and Hermisson J. (2006).
    The evolution of genetic architecture under frequency-dependent disruptive selection.
    Evolution 60: 1537-1550.
  • Jeschke J.M., Kopp M. and Tollrian R. (2006).
    Time and energy constraints: reply to Nolet and Klaassen (2005).
    Oikos 114: 553-554.
  • Kopp M. and Gavrilets S. (2006).
    Multilocus genetics and the coevolution of quantitative traits.
    Evolution 60: 1321-1336.
  • Kopp M. and Gabriel W. (2006).
    The effect of an inducible defense in the Nicholson-Bailey model.
    Theoretical Population Biology 70: 43-55.
  • Jeschke J.M., Kopp M. and Tollrian R. (2004).
    Consumer-food systems: Why type 1 functional responses are exclusive to filter feeders.
    Biological Reviews 79: 337-349.
  • Kopp M. and Tollrian R. (2003).
    Reciprocal phenotypic plasticity in a predator-prey system:
    inducible offences against inducible defences?
    Ecology Letters 6: 742-748.
  • Kopp M. and Tollrian R. (2003).
    Trophic size polyphenism in Lembadion bullinum: costs and benefits of an inducible offense.
    Ecology 84: 641-651.
  • Jeschke J.M., Kopp M. and Tollrian R. (2002).
    Predator functional response: discriminating between handling and digesting prey.
    Ecological Monographs 72: 95-112.
  • Kopp M., Jeschke J.M. and Gabriel W. (2001).
    Exact compensation of stream drift as an evolutionarily stable strategy.
    Oikos 92: 522-530.