Adaptation from standing genetic variation

Adaptation from standing genetic variation

Possible analytical approaches:

  • Hermisson/Pennings with moving optimum (selection gradient increases linearly); use results from Uecker and Hermisson 2011?
  • Hermisson/Pennings for quantitative trait (functional relationship between selection coefficients before and after environmental change; ask which mutation from sgv is most likely to fix first)
  • use bi-allelic infinite sites model without linkage as a simple extension of one-locus case
  • Concentrate on HC-regime (relatively low mutation rate, distribution of new mutations independent of parent allele; predominant wild-type allele)
  • Potentially useful papers: Keightly and Hill 1988, Foley 1982)


  • Study simple cases (one-locus; two-allele infinite sites)
  • make comparisons: sudden vs. gradual change; new mutations vs. sgv