My research deals mostly with probability theory and statistical physics. In the early stages of my career, I studied homogenization of diffusions. Now I am mainly interested in (Gaussian) multiplicative chaos theory, multifractal random measures, quantum or conformal field theory, or fully developed turbulence.


  1. Review on the probabilistic construction and Conformal bootstrap in Liouville Theory
    with C. Guillarmou, A. Kupiainen

  2. Semigroup of annuli in Liouville CFT
    with Guillaume Baverez, Colin Guillarmou, Antti Kupiainen

  3. Compactified Imaginary Liouville theory
    with Colin Guillarmou, Antti Kupiainen

  4. Segal's axioms and bootstrap in Liouville theory
    with Colin Guillarmou, Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas


  1. The Virasoro structure and the scattering matrix for Liouville conformal field theory
    with Guillaume Baverez, Colin Guillarmou, Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Probability and Mathematical Physics, to appear

  2. Probabilistic construction of Toda conformal field theories
    with Baptiste Cerclé, Vincent Vargas
    Annales Henri Lebesgue, vol 6 (2023), pp. 31-64
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  3. Conformal bootstrap in Liouville Theory
    with Colin Guillarmou, Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Acta Mathematica, to appear
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  4. The semiclassical limit of Liouville conformal field theory
    with Hubert Lacoin, Vincent Vargas
    Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse Série 6 , Tome 31 no 4 (2022), p. 1031–1083
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  5. A probabilistic approach of ultraviolet renormalisation in the boundary Sine-Gordon model
    with Hubert Lacoin, Vincent Vargas
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, 185 (2023) pages 1–40.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  6. Path integral for quantum Mabuchi K-energy
    with Hubert Lacoin, Vincent Vargas
    Duke Math. Journal, 171(3), (2022) 483-545
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  7. On a skewed and multifractal uni-dimensional random field, as a probabilistic representation of Kolmogorov's views on turbulence
    with Laurent Chevillard, Christophe Garban, Vincent Vargas
    Annales Henri Poincaré, Volume 20 , (2019) pages 3693–3741
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  8. The Tail expansion of Gaussian multiplicative chaos and the Liouville reflection coefficient
    with Vincent Vargas
    Annals of Probability. Volume 47 Number 5 (2019), 3082-3107.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  9. Integrability of Liouville theory: proof of the DOZZ Formula
    with Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Annals of Mathematics, Volume 191 , issue 1 (2020), pages 81-166.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  10. Polyakov's formulation of 2d bosonic string theory
    with Colin Guillarmou, Vincent Vargas
    Publications mathématiques de l'IHES, Volume 130 , (2019) p1-75.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  11. Lecture notes on Gaussian multiplicative chaos and Liouville Quantum gravity
    with Vincent Vargas
    based on lectures given at Les Houches summer school.

  12. Local conformal structure of Liouville quantum gravity
    with Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 371 , (2019) pages 1005–1069.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  13. Renormalizability of Liouville Quantum Gravity at the Seiberg bound
    with François David, Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Electron. J. Probab. Volume 22 , (2017) 1-26.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  14. Liouville Quantum Gravity on the complex tori
    with François David, Vincent Vargas
    J. Math. Phys. Volume 57 , issue 2 (2016), 022302.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  15. Continuity estimates for the complex cascade model on the phase boundary
    with Thomas Madaule, Vincent Vargas

  16. Liouville quantum gravity on the unit disk
    with Yichao Huang, Vincent Vargas
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Volume 54, issue 3 (2018) 1694-1730.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  17. Liouville quantum gravity on the Riemann sphere
    with François David, Antti Kupiainen, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 342, (2016) pages 869–907.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  18. Log-correlated Gaussian fields: an overview
    with Bertrand Duplantier, Scott Sheffield, Vincent Vargas
    Progress in Mathematics, Volume 310 , (2017) Springer International Publishing.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  19. KPZ formula derived from Liouville heat kernel
    with Nathanaël Berestycki, Christophe Garban, Vincent Vargas
    arXiv:1502.05655. Volume 94 , issue 1 (2016) Pages 186-208.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  20. Liouville heat kernel: regularity and bounds
    with Pascal Maillard, Vincent Vargas, Ofer Zeitouni
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Volume 52 , issue 3 (2016) pages 1281-1320.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  21. Semiclassical limit of Liouville Field Theory
    with Hubert Lacoin, Vincent Vargas
    Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 273 , issue 3 (2017), 875-916.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  22. Liouville Brownian motion
    with Christophe Garban, Vincent Vargas
    Annals of Probability. Volume 44 , Number 4 (2016), 3076-3110.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  23. On the heat kernel and the Dirichlet form of Liouville Brownian Motion
    with Christophe Garban, Vincent Vargas
    Electron. J. Probab. Volume 19 (2014) 95, 1--25
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  24. The glassy phase of complex branching Brownian motion
    with Thomas Madaule, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 334 , (2015), pages 1157–1187.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  25. Glassy phase and freezing of log-correlated Gaussian potentials
    with Thomas Madaule, Vincent Vargas
    Ann. Appl. Probab., Volume 25 , issue 2 (2016), pages 643-690.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  26. Complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos
    with Hubert Lacoin, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 337 Number 1 (2015), pages 569–632.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  27. Gaussian multiplicative chaos and applications: a review
    with Vincent Vargas
    Probability Surveys. Volume 11 (2014), pages 315-392 (electronic).
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  28. Spectral dimension of Liouville quantum gravity
    with Vincent Vargas
    Annales Henri Poincaré, Volume 15 , (2014), pages 2281–2298.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  29. Renormalization of critical Gaussian multiplicative chaos and KPZ formula
    with Bertrand Duplantier, Scott Sheffield, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 330 , (2014), pages 283–330.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  30. Gaussian multiplicative chaos for symmetric isotropic matrices
    with Laurent Chevillard, Vincent Vargas
    Journal of Statistical Physics Volume 150 , (2013) pages 678–703.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  31. Critical Gaussian multiplicative chaos: Convergence of the derivative martingale
    with Bertrand Duplantier, Scott Sheffield, Vincent Vargas
    The Annals of Probability Volume 42 , No 5 (2014), pages 1769-1808
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  32. Limiting laws of supercritical branching random walks
    with Julien Barral , Vincent Vargas
    Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Volume 350 , Issue 9-10 (2019), Pages 535-538.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  33. Gaussian multiplicative chaos and KPZ duality
    with Julien Barral , Xiong Jin, Vincent Vargas
    Communications in Mathematical Physics. Volume 323, (2013) pages 451-485.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  34. Levy multiplicative chaos and star scale invariant random measures
    with Julien Sohier, Vincent Vargas
    Journal of Functional Analysis. Volume 42 , No. 2 (2014), pp. 689-724.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  35. Marchenko Pastur type theorem for independent MRW processes: convergence of the empirical spectral measure
    with Romain Allez, Vincent Vargas
    ESAIM PS, Volume 19 (2015) pages 327-360.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  36. Lognormal scale invariant random measures
    with Romain Allez, Vincent Vargas
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, Volume 155 (2013) pages 751–788.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  37. Optimal transportation for multifractal random measures, applications
    with Vincent Vargas
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Volume 49 , issue 1 (2013) pages 119-137.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  38. Forecasting volatility in the presence of leverage effect
    with Jean-Christophe Domenge, Vincent Vargas
    hal-00502273 .

  39. Critical homogenization of Itô-Levy process driven SDEs in random medium
    with Bamba A. Sow
    Stochastic Analysis and Applications Volume 29 , issue 5 (2011) pages 838-859.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  40. Multidimensional Multifractal Random Measures
    with Vincent Vargas
    Electron. J. Probab., Volume 15 , Number 9 (2010), pages 241-258.
    [Hal] [Journal]

  41. Scaling limits for symmetric Itô-Lévy processes in random medium
    with Vincent Vargas
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 185 (2023), 839--884
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  42. KPZ formula for log-infinitely divisible multifractal random measures
    with Vincent Vargas
    ESAIM: PS, 15, (2011) pages 358-371.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  43. Stochastic Homogenization of Reflected Diffusion Processes,
    Electronic Journal of Probability,
    15 , Number 1 (2010), pages 989-1023.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  44. Homogenization of periodic semilinear parabolic degenerate PDEs
    with Etienne Pardoux, Bamba Sow
    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, Volume 26 , (2009) pages 979-998.
    [Hal] [Journal]

  45. Stochastic Homogenization of Quasilinear PDEs with a spatial degeneracy
    with François Delarue
    Asymptotic Analysis
    61, Number 2 (2009), pages 61-90.
    [Hal] [Journal]

  46. Homogenization of locally ergodic diffusions with possibly degenerate diffusion matrix
    Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques, Volume 45 , Number 4 (2009), pages 981-1001.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  47. Diffusion in a Locally Stationary Random Environment
    Probability Theory and Related Fields, Volume 143, (2009) pages 545–568.
    [Hal] [Journal]

  48. On homogenization of space-time dependent and degenerate random flows II
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Volume 44, issue 4 (2008) pages 673-692.
    [Arxiv] [Journal]

  49. Homogenization of space-time dependent and degenerate random flows
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 117, issue 10 (2007) pages 1561-1585.
    [Hal] [Journal]


Romain Allez, Julien Barral, Guillaume Baverez, Nathanael Berestycki, Baptiste Cerclé, Laurent Chevillard, François David, François Delarue, Jean-Christophe Domenge, Bertrand Duplantier, Christophe Garban, Colin Guillarmou, Yichao Huang, Xiong Jin, Antti Kupiainen, Hubert Lacoin, Thomas Madaule, Pascal Maillard, Etienne Pardoux, Scott Sheffield, Julien Sohier, Bamba A. Sow, Vincent Vargas, Ofer Zeitouni

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