

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Directeur de Recherche (DR) • Affiliation : Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Site : Saint-Charles • Bureau : E-09 • Etage du bureau : RdJ (bât. 8) •

ALEA-PROBA (équipe Probabilités) / Directeur de la FRUMAM

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Informatique théorique, calculabilité
  • Mathématiques discrètes
  • Probabilités


Publications HAL

2022/11 Mobility Edge of L\’evy Matrices

2022/01 Electronic Journal of ProbabilityNoise sensitivity for the top eigenvector of a sparse random matrix

2022/01 Foundations of Computational MathematicsDetection thresholds in very sparse matrix completion

2022/01 Probability Theory and Related FieldsConvergence of the spectral radius of a random matrix through its characteristic polynomial

2022/01 International Mathematics Research NoticesMarkovian linearization of random walks on groups

2021/05 Existence of absolutely continuous spectrum for Galton-Watson random trees

2021/01 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et StatistiquesTypicality and entropy of processes on infinite trees

2021/01 Electronic Journal of ProbabilityOutlier eigenvalues for non-Hermitian polynomials in independent i.i.d. matrices and deterministic matrices

2020/12 Strong asymptotic freeness for independent uniform variables on compact groups associated to non-trivial representations

2020/11 Outlier eigenvalues for non-Hermitian polynomials in independent i.i.d. matrices and deterministic matrices

2020/11 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et StatistiquesSpectral gap of sparse bistochastic matrices with exchangeable rows

2020/08 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et StatistiquesSpectral radii of sparse random matrices

2020/08 Probability Theory and Related FieldsNoise sensitivity of the top eigenvector of a Wigner matrix

2020/07 Random Structures and AlgorithmsShotgun assembly of random jigsaw puzzles

2020/01 AsterisqueNormalité asymptotique des vecteurs propres d’un graphe régulier aléatoire [d’aprés Ágnes Backhausz et Balázs Szegedy].

2020/01 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale SupérieureA new proof of Friedman’s second eigenvalue Theorem and its extension to random lifts

2019/09 Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series BGraphs with prescribed local neighborhoods of their universal coverings

2019/07 Gazette des MathématiciensSpectre sans épines des graphes aléatoires

2019/05 Annals of ProbabilityLargest eigenvalues of sparse inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi graphs

2019/01 Annals of MathematicsEigenvalues of random lifts and polynomials of random permutation matrices

2019/01 Probability Theory and Related FieldsCUTOFF AT THE  » ENTROPIC TIME  » FOR SPARSE MARKOV CHAINS

2018/04 Probability Theory and Related FieldsRandom walk on sparse random digraphs

2018/01 Annals of ProbabilityOn the spectral radius of a random matrix: an upper bound without fourth moment

2018/01 Annals of ProbabilityNonbacktracking spectrum of random graphs: Community detection and nonregular Ramanujan graphs

2017/06 Random Matrices: Theory and ApplicationsSpectrum of large random Markov chains: heavy-tailed weights on the oriented complete graph

2017/05 Largest eigenvalues of sparse inhomogeneous Erd\H{o}s-R\’enyi graphs

2017/01 Journal of the European Mathematical SocietyMean quantum percolation

2017/01 Communications in Mathematical PhysicsDelocalization at small energy for heavy-tailed random matrices

2016/02 Communications on Pure and Applied MathematicsOutlier eigenvalues for deformed i.i.d. random matrices

2016/01 Spectral radii of sparse random matrices

2015/12 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and TheoreticalAn extension of the Derrida–Lebowitz–Speer–Spohn equation

2015/11 Annales Henri PoincaréOn Quantum Percolation in Finite Regular Graphs

2015/10 Non-backtracking spectrum of random graphs: community detection and non-regular Ramanujan graphs

2015/10 Probability Theory and Related FieldsLarge deviations of empirical neighborhood distribution in sparse random graphs

2014/11 Annals of ProbabilityA large deviation principle for Wigner matrices without Gaussian tails

2014/08 Lecture notes on the circular law

2014/04 Communications on Pure and Applied MathematicsSpectrum of Markov generators on sparse random graphs

2014/02 Annals of ProbabilityNon-backtracking spectrum of random graphs: community detection and non-regular Ramanujan graphs

2014/01 Electronic Journal of ProbabilityExtinction probability and total progeny of predator-prey dynamics on infinite trees

2013/10 Probability Theory and Related FieldsMatchings on infinite graphs

2013/01 Probability Theory and Related FieldsLocalization and delocalization of eigenvectors for heavy-tailed random matrices

2013/01 Electronic Communications in ProbabilityOn Euclidean random matrices in high dimension

2012/03 Probability Theory and Related FieldsCircular Law Theorem for Random Markov Matrices

2012/01 Probability SurveysAround the circular law

2012/01 IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryAsymptotic stability region of slotted aloha

2011/09 Communications in Mathematical PhysicsSpectrum of non-Hermitian heavy tailed random matrices

2011/08 Annals of ProbabilitySpectrum of large random reversible Markov chains: heavy tailed weights on the complete graph

2011/07 Queueing SystemsOn the greedy walk problem

2011/01 Electronic Communications in ProbabilityOn the spectrum of sum and product of non-Hermitian random matrices

2011/01 Annals of ProbabilityThe rank of diluted random graphs

2010/03 ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsSpectrum of large random reversible Markov chains: two examples

2010/01 Annals of Applied ProbabilityLoad optimization in a planar networ

2010/01 Networks and Heterogeneous MediaA particle system in interaction with a rapidly varying environment : mean field limits and applications

2010/01 Random Structures and AlgorithmsResolvent of large random graphs

2009/02 Load optimization in a planar network

2009/01 SIAM Journal on ComputingDynamic programming optimization over random data : the scaling exponent for near optimal solutions

2007/06 Optimal control of interacting particle systems

2006/07 Analyse stochastique des réseaux spatiaux.

2006/01 Un Protocole d’Accès Multiple Aléatoire avec Interactions Spatiales

2006/01 Eigenvalues of Euclidean Random Matrices

2006/01 Navigation on a Poisson point process

2005/01 Random Multi-access Algorithms – A Mean Field analysis

2005/01 The Radial Spanning Tree of a Poisson Point Process

2004/01 Stability Properties of data flows on a CDMA network in macrodiversity

2004/01 Stability of spatial queueing systems

2004/01 Optimal Power Allocation in CDMA Networks with Macrodiversity

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