

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Elisabeth • Remy
Directrice de Recherche (DR) • Affiliation : Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Site : Luminy • Bureau : 133 • Etage du bureau : 1 •

ALEA-BMA-MABioS (équipe BioMath Alea – Mathématiques & Algorithmique pour la Biologie des Systèmes) – Responsable suppléante du groupe ALEA (depuis 2015).

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Mathématiques discrètes
  • Modélisation, équations liées à la biologie


Publications HAL

2022/11 Average sensitivity of nested canalizing multivalued functions

2022/10 CellsSingle Cell Transcriptomics to Understand HSC Heterogeneity and Its Evolution upon Aging

2022/02 SC-RNA-seq assisted synthesis of a Boolean network to model early haematopoiesis aging

2022/01 CellsSingle Cell Transcriptomics to Understand HSC Heterogeneity and Its Evolution upon Aging

2021/07 Advances in Space ResearchAltimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress


2021/02 BMC BiologySingle-cell RNA-seq reveals a concomitant delay in differentiation and cell cycle of aged hematopoietic stem cell

2021/01 Nature CommunicationsBenchmarking joint multi-omics dimensionality reduction approaches for the study of cancer

2021/01 Connecter les modèles logiques aux données omiques

2020/10 Frontiers in Marine ScienceSea Turtles for Ocean Research and Monitoring: Overview and Initial Results of the STORM Project in the Southwest Indian Ocean

2020/01 Benchmarking joint multi-omics dimensionality reduction approaches for cancer study

2020/01 Physica D: Nonlinear PhenomenaIsometries of the hypercube: a tool for boolean regulatory networks analysis

2019/11 PLoS ONEIntegrative proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiling of prostate cell lines

2019/08 Acta BiotheoreticaA Combinatorial Exploration of Boolean Dynamics Generated by Isolated and Chorded Circuits

2019/05 Frontiers in Marine ScienceFrom Observation to Information and Users: The Copernicus Marine Service Perspective

2019/01 Science of the Total EnvironmentUrban ecology, stakeholders and the future of ecology

2017/07 Prediction of Disease-associated Genes by advanced Random Walk with Restart on Multiplex and Heterogeneous Biological Networks

2015/10 Cancer ResearchA Modeling Approach to Explain Mutually Exclusive and Co-Occurring Genetic Alterations in Bladder Tumorigenesis.

2015/07 PLoS Computational BiologyDiscovery of Drug Synergies in Gastric Cancer Cells Predicted by Logical Modeling

2014/11 Quantification of reachable attractors in asynchronous discrete dynamics

2014/01 Les matériaux de l’innovation urbaine

2013/06 Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyLogical Modelling of Regulatory Networks, Methods and Applications

2012/07 Logical modelling of cellular decision processes with GINsim

2012/01 Discrete Applied MathematicsRelations between gene regulatory networks and cell dynamics in Boolean models

2011/05 Theoretical Computer ScienceDynamically consistent reduction of logical regulatory graphs

2011/01 Journal of Theoretical BiologyMapping multivalued onto Boolean dynamics

2008/01 BioinformaticsFrom minimal signed circuits to the dynamics of Boolean regulatory networks

2008/01 Advances in Applied MathematicsGraphic requirements for multistability and attractive cycles in a Boolean dynamical framework

2008/01 BioinformaticsFrom minimal signed circuits to the dynamics of Boolean regulatory networks

2007/01 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VIIIOn differentiation and homeostatic behaviours of Boolean dynamical systems

2005/01 INRA MensuelOrganiser la recherche sur les maladies émergentes en France

2005/01 Espaces ; savoirs et incertitudes

2004/01 Genome BiologyGOToolBox: functional analysis of gene datasets based on Gene Ontology.

2004/01 Genome BiologyGOToolBox: functional analysis of gene datasets based on Gene Ontology.

1998/10 Homogenization of Elliptic Difference Operators

1996/12 Comportement asymptotique du coefficient effectif pour un opérateur aléatoire aux différences

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