

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
(Site Saint-Charles) 3 place Victor Hugo, Case 19, 13331 Marseille Cedex 3
(Site Luminy) Campus de Luminy - Case 907 - 13288 Marseille Cedex 9

Nizar • DEMNI
Maître de Conférences (MCF H) • Affiliation : Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
Site : Saint-Charles • Bureau : C1-03 • Etage du bureau : RdJ (bât. 7) •

Co-responsable du groupe AGT (à compter du 01/09/2020).

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Probabilités
  • Géométrie différentielle (incluant groupes de Lie, géométrie riemannienne, symplectique, etc.)
  • Analyse et géométrie complexe


Publications HAL

2022/02 Bulletin des Sciences MathématiquesHartman-Watson distribution and hyperbolic-like heat kernels

2022/01 Journal of Functional AnalysisSupport of the Brown measure of the product of a free unitary Brownian motion by a free self-adjoint projection

2022/01 Journal of Operator TheoryOn star-Moments of the compression of the free unitary Brownian motion by a free projection

2021/12 Journal of Theoretical ProbabilityQuaternionic Brownian windings

2021/09 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, GeometryBerezin Transforms Attached to Landau Levels on the Complex Projective Space P^n(ℂ)

2021/03 Explicit expressions of the Hua-Pickrell semi-group

2021/03 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related TopicsSchur–Weyl duality and the product of randomly-rotated symmetries by a unitary Brownian motion

2021/01 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and TheoreticalPolyanalytic reproducing Kernels on the quantized annulus

2021/01 Ramanujan J.Generalized Bessel functions of dihedral-type: expression as a series of confluent Horn functions and Laplace-type integral representation

2021/01 Stochastic Processes and their ApplicationsQuaternionic stochastic areas

2020/03 Indagationes Mathematicae (New series)Densities of Generalized Stochastic areas and windings arising from Anti-de Sitter and Hopf fibrations

2020/02 Potential AnalysisThe Horizontal Heat Kernel on the Quaternionic Anti-De Sitter Spaces and Related Twistor Spaces

2020/01 Functional Analysis and Its ApplicationsThe Hermitian Jacobi process: simplified formula for the moments and application to optical fibers MIMO channels

2020/01 IEEE AccessClosed-Form Expressions of Ergodic Capacity and MMSE Achievable Sum Rate for MIMO Jacobi and Rayleigh Fading Channels

2019/11 Schur-Weyl duality and the Product of randomly-rotated symmetries by a unitary Brownian motion

2019/11 The horizontal heat kernel on the quaternionic anti de-Sitter spaces and related twistor spaces

2019/01 Journal of Fourier Analysis and ApplicationsMarkov semi-groups associated with the complex unimodular group $Sl(2,\mathbb{C})$

2019/01 Journal of the Mathematical Society of JapanThe Hyperbolic-type Point Process

2018/10 Archiv der MathematikIntegral representation of the sub-elliptic heat kernel on the complex anti-de Sitter fibration

2018/10 Archiv der MathematikIntegral representation of the sub-elliptic heat kernel on the complex anti-de Sitter fibration

2018/09 Journal of Theoretical ProbabilityMoments of the Hermitian Matrix Jacobi process

2018/01 Integral representation of the subelliptic heat kernel on the complex anti-de Sitter fibration

2018/01 Random Matrices: Theory and ApplicationsInverse of the flow and moments of the free Jacobi process associated with a single projection

2018/01 Proceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyOn a Neumann-type series for modified Bessel functions of the first kind

2017/01 Markov Processes And Related FieldsReciprocal of the First hitting time of the boundary of dihedral wedges by a radial Dunkl process

2017/01 Moscow Mathematical JournalLaplace-type integral representations of the generalized Bessel function and of the Dunkl kernel of type $B_2$

2017/01 Journal of Operator TheoryLagrange inversion formula, Laguerre polynomials and the free unitary Brownian motion

2017/01 ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsFirst hitting time of the boundary of a wedge of angle $\pi/4$ by a radial Dunkl process

2016/01 Journal of Mathematical PhysicsAnalysis of generalized negative binomial distributions attached to hyperbolic Landau levels

2016/01 Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry : Methods and ApplicationsGeneralized Stieltjes Transforms of Compactly-Supported Probability Distributions: Further Examples

2016/01 Berezin transforms attached to Landau levels on the complex projective space CPn

2016/01 Complex Analysis and Operator TheoryFree Jacobi process associated with one projection: local inverse of the flow

2015/12 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related TopicsAnalysis of generalized Poisson distributions associated with higher Landau levels

2015/09 In Memoriam Marc Yor – Séminaire de Probabilités XLVII

2015/01 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsDunkl kernel associated with dihedral group

2015/01 BernoulliProbabilistic proof of product formulas for Bessel functions

2015/01 Advances in Applied MathematicsStar-cumulants of free unitary Brownian motion

2015/01 Large deviations for clocks of self-similar processes

2015/01 New Expressions for Ergodic Capacities of Optical Fibers and Wireless MIMO Channels

2014/03 A stationary process associated with the Dirichlet distribution arising from the complex projective space

2014/01 Colloquium MathematicumSpectral distribution of the free Jacobi process associated with one projection

2014/01 Annales Mathématiques Blaise PascalDistributions of truncations of the heat kernel on the complex projective space

2013/07 Spectral distribution of large-size Brownian motions on the complex linear group

2013/02 General position of a projection and its image under a free unitary Brownian motion

2012/01 Journal of Lie TheoryGeneralized Bessel Function Associated with Dihedral Groups

2012/01 Spectral distribution of the free unitary Brownian motion: another approach

2012/01 Indiana University Mathematics JournalSpectral distribution of the free Jacobi process

2012/01 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di PadovaBrownian motion, reflection groups and Tanaka formula

2011/10 Analysis of Photon-Counting Probability Distributions Attached to Euclidean Landau Levels

2011/01 Electronic Communications in ProbabilityKanter random variable and positive free stable distributions

2010/09 Radon Transform on spheres and generalized Bessel function associated with dihedral groups

2010/09 On classical and free stable laws

2010/09 Radon transform on spheres and generalized Bessel function associated with dihedral groups

2009/01 Stochastic Processes and their ApplicationsLarge Deviations for Statistics of the Jacobi Process

2007/11 Processus stochastiques matriciels, systèmes de racines et probabilités non commutatives

2007/07 Radial Dunkl Processes : Existence and uniqueness, Hitting time, Beta Processes and Random Matrices

2007/07 Free Martingale polynomials for stationary Jacobi processes

2006/11 Large Deviations for Statistics of Jacobi Process

2006/11 Laguerre Process and Generalised Hartman-Watson Law

2006/01 Free Jacobi Process

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