

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Robert • ROLLAND
Maître de Conférences Émérite (MCFEM H) • Affiliation : Aix-Marseille Université (AMU)
Site : Luminy • Bureau : 107 • Etage du bureau : 1 •

AGLR-ATI (équipe Arithmétique et Théorie de l’Information)

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Cryptographie


Publications HAL

2021/05 On the number of effective divisors in algebraic function fields defined over a finite field

2021/02 Russian Mathematical SurveysOn the tensor rank of multiplication in finite extensions of finite fields and related issues in algebraic geometry

2020/06 Blind Transfer of Personal Data Achieving Privacy

2019/06 On the tensor rank of multiplication in finite extensions of finite fields and related issues in algebraic geometry

2017/11 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and ComputingHamming distances from a function to all codewords of a Generalized Reed-Muller code of order one

2017/11 Mathematics of ComputationArithmetic in finite fields based on the Chudnovsky-Chudnovsky multiplication algorithm

2017/09 IEEE Transactions on ComputersOptimization of Tree Modes for Parallel Hash Functions : A case study

2017/01 Théorie de la mesure et de l’intégration – Cours et exercices corrigés

2016/01 Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série I, MathématiqueEffective arithmetic in finite fields based on Chudnovsky’s multiplication algorithm

2015/06 Géométrie projective

2015/01 Moscow Mathematical JournalEffective bounds on class number and estimation for any step of towers of algebraic function fields over finite fields

2015/01 Moscow Mathematical JournalLower Bounds on the number of rational points of Jacobians over finite fields and application to algebraic function fields in towers.

2015/01 Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraOn the Number of Points of Algebraic Sets over Finite Fields

2014/01 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing ISPDC 2014, IEEE Computer Society, 2014

2014/01 Designs, Codes and CryptographyOn low weight codewords of generalized affine and projective Reed-Muller codes.

2013/04 Randomnes in Cryptography

2013/04 A Digital Signature Scheme Based on Two Hard Problems

2013/01 Algebraic Informatics, 5th International Conference on Algebraic Informatics, CAI 2013

2012/05 Cryptographie : principes et mises en oeuvre – 2e édition revue et augmentée

2012/01 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de BordeauxLower bounds on the class number of algebraic function fields defined over any finite field. Journal de Théorie des nombres de Bordeaux.

2011/03 L’emploi de la cryptographie pour la sécurisation des données sur clés USB

2011/01 On the tensor rank of multiplication in finite extensions of finite fields

2011/01 Cryptography and Communications – Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and SequencesA note on a Yao’s theorem about pseudo-random generators.

2011/01 Publications Mathématiques de Besançon : Algèbre et Théorie des NombresFamilies of curves over any finite field attaining the generalized Drinfeld-Vladut bound.

2011/01 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciencesMinoration du nombre de classes des corps de fonctions algébriques définis sur un corps fini.

2010/09 A Key Forwarding Protocol for Secure Communicating Systems

2010/01 Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory 2009

2010/01 Cryptography and Communications – Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and SequencesThe second weight of generalized Reed-Muller codes in most cases

2010/01 Acta ArithmeticaOn the existence of dimension zero divisors in algebraic function fields defined over Fq

2010/01 Acta ArithmeticaOn the existence of dimension zero divisors in algebraic function fields defined over F_q.


2005/01 On an application of the definition field descent of a tower of function fields

2005/01 Cryptographie : Principes et mise en oeuvre

2000/04 Finite Fields and Their ApplicationsGroup structure on projective spaces and cyclic codes over finite fields

1998/01 Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraPolynômes homogènes à plusieurs variables sur un corps fini Fq qui s’annulent sur l’espace projectif Pm (Fq)

1998/01 Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraCodage & cryptage

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