

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Évènements à venir / Upcoming events

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Mois thématique ou Session résidentielle : réunion de spécialistes en mathématiques, pour échanger des productions scientifiques par des conférences, des ateliers, des écoles, des tables rondes scientifiques. Durée 5 semaines.
Thematic month or Residential session: meeting of specialists in mathematics, to exchange scientific productions through conferences, workshops, schools, scientific round tables. Duration 5 weeks.

Évènements passés / Past events

2023-01-30Research School - Introduction to SAGA (Thematic Month 2023)
2022-02-21Logic and higher structures (Thematic Month 2022)
2022-02-14Logic, databases and complexity: new methods and challenges (Thematic Month 2022)
2022-02-07Logic and transdiciplinarity: Mathematics/Computer Science/Philosophy/Linguistics (Thematic Month 2022)
2022-01-31Logic of Probabilistic Programming (Thematic Month 2022)
2022-01-24Linear Logic Winter School (Thematic Month 2022)
2021-01-25Mathematics for Signals, Images and Structured Data (Thematic Month 2021) CANCELLED
2020-03-02Networks and molecular biology (Thematic Month 2020)
2020-02-24Mathematics of Complex Systems in Biology and Medicine (Thematic Month 2020)
2020-02-17Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Thematic Month 2020)
2020-02-10Mathematical Models in Evolutionary Biology (Thematic Month 2020)
2020-02-03PDE and Probability for Biology (Thematic Month 2020)
2018-02-19Geometry of Groups and 3-manifolds: State of the Art and Perspectives (Thematic Month 2018)
2018-02-12Knotted Embeddings in Dimensions 3 and 4 (Thematic Month 2018)
2018-02-05Winter Braids VIII​ (Thematic Month 2018)
2018-01-29Representation Spaces, Teichmüller Theory, and their Relationship with 3-manifolds from the Classical and Quantum Viewpoints (Thematic Month 2018)
2017-02-27Random Matrices and Determinantal Process (Thematic Month 2017)
2017-02-20Non Uniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems. Coupling and Renewal Theory (Thematic Month 2017)
2017-02-13Teichmüller Space, Polygonal Billiard, Interval Exchanges (Thematic Month 2017)
2017-02-06Homogeneous Spaces, Diophantine Approximation and Stationary Measures (Thematic Month 2017)
2017-01-30New Advances in Symbolic Dynamics (Thematic Month 2017)
2016-02-29Bayesian Statistics and Algorithms (Thematic Month 2016)
2016-02-22Extremes, Copulas and Actuarial Science (Thematic Month 2016)
2016-02-15Process (Thematic Month 2016)
2016-02-08Mathematical Statistics and Inverse Problems (Thematic Month 2016)
2016-02-01Statistical learning (Thematic Month 2016)
2015-03-02Geometry of Singular Spaces and Maps (Thematic Month 2015)
2015-02-23Local and Global Invariants of Singularities (Thematic Month 2015)
2015-02-16Real Singularities and Applications (Thematic Month 2015)
2015-02-09Young Researchers in Singularities (Thematic Month 2015)
2015-02-02Applications of Artin Approximation in Singularity Theory (Thematic Month 2015)
2014-03-03On the Conjectures of Lang and Vojta (Thematic Month 2014)
2014-02-24Frobenius distributions on curves (II) (Thematic Month 2014, Morlet Chair Igor Shparlinski)
2014-02-17Frobenius distributions on curves (I) (Thematic Month 2014, Morlet Chair Igor Shparlinski)
2014-02-10Prime numbers : new perspectives (Thematic Month 2014)

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