

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Évènements à venir / Upcoming events

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Évènements passés / Past events

2023-05-08Spring school in Arithmetic Statistics (Morlet Chair - Peter Stevenhagen )
2022-09-05Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems (Morlet Chair - Martin Gander)
2022-04-04Mathematical advances in geophysical flows (Morlet Chair - Matthias Hieber)
2021-09-06Milnor Fibrations, Degenerations and Deformations from Modern Perspectives (Morlet Chair -Javier Fernandez de Bodadilla)
2021-01-18Scaling Limits from Microscopic to Macroscopic Physics (Chaire Morlet-Shi Jin)
2019-03-11Coulomb Gas, Integrability and Painlevé Equations (Morlet Chair - Tamara Grava)
2018-10-22Masterclass in Bayesian Statistics (Morlet Chair Kerrie Mengersen)
2018-06-113-Manifolds and Geometric Group Theory (Morlet Chair Genevieve Walsh)
2017-11-20Tiling Dynamical System (Morlet Chair Shigeki Akiyama)
2016-10-17Applications of Ergodic Theory in Number Theory (Morlet Chair Mariusz Lemanczyk)
2016-05-16Introduction to Relative Aspects in Representation Theory, Langlands Functoriality and Automorphic Forms (Morlet Chair - Dipendra Prasad)
2015-09-21Elliptic Methods and Moduli Spaces (Morlet Chair - François Lalonde)
2015-01-26Introduction to Artin Approximation and the Geometry of Power Series Spaces (Morlet Chair - Herwig Hauser)
2014-10-20Computational Harmonic Analysis - with Applications to Signal and Image Processing (Morlet Chair - Hans-Georg Feichtinger)
2014-03-31geomdynmrs14: School on Geometry and Dynamics (Morlet Chair - Boris Hasselblatt)
2014-02-17Frobenius distributions on curves (I) (Thematic Month 2014, Morlet Chair Igor Shparlinski)

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