

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

25 Jan

Mathematics for Signals, Images and Structured Data (Thematic Month 2021) CANCELLED

We are delighted to announce that pre-registration and submission for the THEMATIC MONTH Mathematics for Signals, Images and Structured Data (January 25 - February 26, [...]
08 Fév

Homological and Quantum Invariants

08/02/2021 - 12/02/2021    
HYBRID WORKSHOP Homological and quantum invariants Invariants Homologiques et Quantiques8 - 12 February 2021 Organizing Committee Comité d'organisation Léo Bénard (University of Göttingen) Jules Martel [...]
11 Fév

Norm II - David Kohel

10h00 - 12h00
Norm par 2 - (CL) IV.2, V.1-V.3 and (AZ) II.10 Références : Corps Locaux by Jean-Pierre Serre (CL) and Algebraïsche Zahlentheorie by Jurgen Neukirch (AZ) [...]
11 Fév

Gluing curves along their torsion - Jeroen Sijsling

Let X (resp. Y) be a curve of genus 1 (resp. 2) over a base field k whose characteristic does not equal 2. We give [...]
11 Fév

Anneaux de déformation dérivés et groupes de Selmer adjoints duaux - Jacques Tilouine

Dans un travail avec Eric Urban (Arxiv 2021*), on généralise un résultat de Galatius et Venkatesh sur la relation entre le groupe fondamental $pi_1(cR)$ d'un [...]
11 Fév

Measuring the local non-convexity of real algebraic plane curves

14h00 - 15h00
We study the real Milnor fibre of real bivariate polynomial functions vanishing at the origin, with an isolated local minimum at this point. We work [...]

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