

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

25 Jan

Mathematics for Signals, Images and Structured Data (Thematic Month 2021) CANCELLED

We are delighted to announce that pre-registration and submission for the THEMATIC MONTH Mathematics for Signals, Images and Structured Data (January 25 - February 26, [...]
18 Fév

Calcul d'index pour des courbes elliptiques définies sur des extensions de corps finis de degré premier - Monika Trimoska

La sécurité des systèmes cryptographiques basés sur des courbes elliptiques est sous-tendue par la difficulté du problème du logarithme discret sur courbes elliptiques (ECDLP). Nous [...]
18 Fév

Cᵐ solutions of semialgebraic equations and the Whitney extension problem

14h00 - 15h00
We address the question of whether geometric conditions on the given data can be preserved by a solution in (1) the Whitney extension problem, which [...]
18 Fév

Moduli of Langlands parameters and LLIF - Robert Kurinczuk

The conjectural local Langlands correspondence connects representations of p-adic groups to certain representations of Galois groups of local fields called Langlands parameters.  In recent joint [...]

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