

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Michel-Julien • LAURENT
Directeur de Recherche Émérite (DREM) • Affiliation : Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Site : Luminy • Bureau : 105 • Etage du bureau : 1 •

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques : Aucun·e


Publications HAL

2022/12 Rotation number of 2-interval piecewise affine maps

2022/06 La Somme, une marche se date / Cadre chronostratigraphique du système fluviatile pléistocène de la Somme et des peuplements paléolithiques associés

2022/03 Transcendence and continued fraction expansion of values of Hecke-Mahler series

2022/02 Combinatorial structure of Sturmian words and continued fraction expansions of Sturmian numbers

2021/01 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di ScienzeOn the diophantine nature of the elements of Cantor sets arising in the dynamics of contracted rotations

2021/01 Journal of modern dynamicsDynamics of 2-interval piecewise affine maps and Hecke-Mahler series

2020/01 On the Diophantine nature of the elements of Cantor sets arising in the dynamics of contracted rotations

2019/09 Dynamics of 2-interval piecewise affine maps and Hecke-Mahler series

2018/05 ElectrocatalysisElectrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate and Nitrite at CuRh Nanoparticles/C Composite Electrodes


2018/04 Journal of modern dynamicsRotation number of contracted rotations

2018/03 LubricantsPhospholipid Vesicles in Media for Tribological Studies against Live Cartilage

2018/01 Facteurs associés aux symptoms psychiatriques dans une cohort de personnes usagères de drogues injectables (UDI) à Haiphong, Vietnam et implications cliniques.

2018/01 Journal of modern dynamicsRotation number of contracted rotations

2017/10 Interactive Submission of Data to be Published in VizieR

2017/04 Large scale Respondent Driven Sampling among persons who inject drugs in Haiphong, Vietnam: involvement of peer support groups is key for success.

2017/04 Consistency in multiple estimates of the population size for persons who inject drugs (PWID) in Hai Phong, Viet Nam.

2017/02 Electrochimica ActaInfluence of nanosizing on hydrogen electrosorption properties of rhodium based nanoparticles/carbon composites

2016/05 Horse-rider interactions in endurance racing: an example of interpersonal coordination

2016/01 Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number TheoryOn Kronecker’s density theorem, primitive points and orbits of matrices

2015/12 On Kronecker’s density theorem, primitive points and orbits of matrices

2015/10 Quaternary GeochronologyESR/U-series dating of faunal remains from the paleoanthropological site of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Pas-de-Calais, France)

2015/01 Mathematische ZeitschriftMulti-dimensional metric approximation by primitive points

2014/01 Journal of Physical Chemistry BElectrochemical Determination of pK(a) of N-Bases in Ionic Liquid Media

2014/01 Stratégie ProthétiquePédagogie clinique et aide à la décision thérapeutique

2013/08 PLoS ONEPatterns of Horse-Rider Coordination during Endurance Race: A Dynamical System Approach

2012/01 International Journal of Applied Mathematical SciencesOn inhomogeneous diophantine approximation and Hausdorff dimension

2012/01 Journal of the London Mathematical SocietyApproximation to points in the plane by SL (2, Z)-orbits

2012/01 Acta ArithmeticaInhomogeneous approximation with coprime integers and lattice orbits

2012/01 ESR and ESR/U-series dating study of several middle Palaeolithic sites of Pleneuf-Val-Andre (Brittany, France): Piegu, Les Vallees and Nantois

2011/01 Inventiones MathematicaeGeometric Analysis of the Metropolis Algorithm in Lipschitz Domain

2010/01 International Journal of Stomatology & Occlusion MedicineEvolution of the incisal relationship in a Central European population (1870-1970)

2007/01 FEBS LettersSinusoidal swinging dynamics of the telomere repair and cell growth activation functions of telomerase in rat liver cancer cells.

2007/01 Multistabilité et épigenèse dans les systèmes biologiques

2007/01 Quaternary GeochronologyESR Chronology of the Somme River Terrace System and First Human Settlements in Northern France

2007/01 Génétiquement indéterminé

2005/01 Annales de l’Institut FourierExponents of Diophantine approximation and Sturmian continued fractions

2004/01 Cadre biostratigraphique, paléoécologique, culturel et géochronologique du sit de Fejej FJ-1

2003/01 Bulletin de la Société préhistorique françaisePaléoenvironnements pléistocènes et peuplements paléolithiques dans le bassin de la Somme (Nord de la France)

2002/01 Acta PsychologicaThe interplay of attention and bimanual coordination dynamics

1999/01 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and PerformanceAttentional load associated with performing and stabilizing preferred bimanual patterns.

1998/01 L’anthropologieL’industrie lithique de Ca’ Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo : stratigraphie, matière première, typologie, remontages et traces d’utilisation

1995/01 Bulletin de la Société préhistorique françaiseLe gisement acheuléen de Cagny-l’Épinette (Somme)

1994/07 Experimental Brain ResearchFitts’ law in two-dimensional task space

1994/01 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciencesGéochronologie du système de terrasses fluviatiles quaternaires du bassin de la Somme par datation RPE sur quartz, déséquilibres des familles de l’uranium et magnétostratigraphie

1994/01 Quaternary GeochronologyThermal behaviour of ESR signals observed in various natural carbonates

1994/01 Compte rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de ParisA new regional group of the Lower Palaeolithic in Brittany (France), recently dated by Electron Spin Résonance

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