

Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) - UMR 7373
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille Cedex 3

Pierre • ILLE
Chargé de Recherche (CR) • Affiliation : Centre National Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Site : Luminy • Bureau : 222 • Etage du bureau : 2 •

Groupe(s) scientifiques(s) de l'utilisateur :
Thématiques scientifiques :
  • Mathématiques discrètes


Publications HAL

2022/01 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and ApplicationsBirecognition of prime graphs, and minimal prime graphs

2022/01 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and ApplicationsBirecognition of prime graphs, and minimal prime graphs

2021/12 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and ApplicationsBirecognition of prime graphs, and minimal prime graphs

2021/01 Graphs and CombinatoricsPrime 3-uniform hypergraphs

2020/01 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics3-UNIFORM HYPERGRAPHS: DECOMPOSITION AND REALIZATION

2019/05 Journal of Graph TheoryFractal graphs

2018/05 3-uniform hypergraphs: modular decomposition and realization by tournaments

2018/01 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryThe {-2,-1}-selfdual and decomposable tournaments

2017/02 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryCriticality of switching classes of reversible 2-structures labeled by an Abelian group

2017/01 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryCriticality of switching classes of reversible 2-structures labeled by an Abelian group

2016/01 Journal of CombinatoricsPrimitive bound of a 2-structure

2016/01 Journal of CombinatoricsPrimitive bound of a 2-structure

2015/09 Graphs and CombinatoricsCritically Twin Primitive 2-Structures

2014/01 Contributions to Discrete MathematicsDetermination of the prime bound of a graph

2013/01 Ars CombinatoriaDifferent duality theorems

2011/01 Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryDecomposition tree and indecomposable coverings

2008/01 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer ScienceCyclic extensions of order varieties

2006/01 Ars CombinatoriaA counting of the minimal realizations of the posets of dimension two

1998/03 Discrete MathematicsMinimal indecomposable graphs

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