Géométrie des variétés complexes II

G. Dloussky, K. Oeljeklaus, A. Teleman, CIRM, 10.16 to 10.20 2006



9:50 Opening
10:00 - 10:50 Ph. Eyssideux: Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics pdf
11:00 - 11:50 D. Popovici: Singular Morse Inequalities pdf pdf
15:30 - 16:15 N. Buchdahl: Algebraic deformations of compact Kähler manifolds pdf
16:25 - 17:10 D. Phong: Energy functionals and Kähler-Einstein metrics pdf
17:40 - 18:25 N. Honda: Explicit constructions of the twistor spaces of Joyce metrics pdf pdf
18:35 - 19:20 Ch. Tonnesen-Friedman: Classification of extremal metrics on geometrically
ruled surfaces pdf


9:00 - 9:50 Tien-Cuong Dinh: Geometry of currents and applications in dynamics (joint with Nessim Sibony) pdf pdf
10:00-10:50 D. Calderbank: Stability and extremal metrics on ruled manifolds pdf
11:15-12:05 G. Schumacher: Yang-Mills-Higgs sheaves and applications
15:30 - 16:15 M. Verbitsky: Vanishing theorems on hyperkahler manifolds
16:25 - 17:10 Y. Rollin: Wormholes in ACH Einstein manifolds (joint with O. Biquard) pdf
17:40 - 18:25 L. David: Quaternionic connections, induced holomorphic structures and a vanishing theorem pdf
18:35 - 19:20 J. Noguchi: Nevanlinna theory and the degeneracy of holomorphic cur
ves pdf


8:30 - 9:20 J. Hubbard: Compact complex surfaces, Henon maps and twin surfaces
9:30 - 10:20 A. Huckleberry: On symmetry and universality in mesoscopic physics pdf
10:40 - 11:30 G. Dethloff: On Second Main Theorems and Uniqueness Theorems

of Meromorphic Maps $f:C^m \to CP^n$ for Moving Targets pdf
11:40-12:30 C. Arezzo: Blowing up and desingularizing constant scalar curvature Kähler manifolds pdf

Afternoon is fre


9:00 - 9:50 A. Fujiki: Compact non-Kähler manifolds associated to real hyperbolic manifolds pdf
10:00 - 10:50 K. Hulek: Moduli of symplectic varieties pdf

11:15 - 12:05 F. Berteloot: Bifurcation currents and holomorphic
motions in the parameter space of quadratic rational maps
15:30 - 16:15 D. Cerveau: Généralisation du Frobenius singulier de Malgrange à certains espaces singuliers
16:25 - 17:10 V. Ancona: Bochner-Martinelli formulas on singular complex spaces pdf
17:40 - 18:25 K. Amerik: Meromorphic fibrations of symplectic varieties
18:35 - 19:20 J. Deserti: Sur les sous-groupes nilpotents du groupe de Cremona pdf


9:00 - 9:50 F. Forstneric: Holomorphic curves in complex spaces pdf
10:00 - 10:50 E. Rousseau: Weak hyperbolicity of generic hypersurfaces of high degree in the 4-dimensional projective space pdf
11:15 - 12:05 K. Schöbel: Moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles on minimal class VII surfaces pdf
15:30 - 16:15 G. Deschamps: Espaces twistoriels et 3-variétés complexes pdf
16:25 - 17:10 A. Gorinov: Division theorems for the cohomology of discriminant complements and automorphism groups of projective hypersurfaces pdf
17:40 - 18:25 J. Winkelmann: Brody versus Entire curves pdf