
Thèmes de Recherche

  • Processus de contact sur les graphes aléatoires
  • Processus avec mémoire (“self-interacting”)/processus en paysage aléatoire.
  • Marches aléatoires/Frontière de Poisson.
  • Processus stochastiques et analyse harmonique associés aux systèmes de racine.




  1. Sharp estimates for distinguished random walks on affine buildings of type $\tilde A_r$, (avec J.-P. Anker et B. Trojan), accepté à Indag. Math. (N.S.), arXiv.
  2. Branching capacity of a random walk range, accepté à Bull. Soc. Math. France, ArXiv.
  3. Extracting subsets maximizing capacity and folding of random walks, (avec A. Asselah), Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 56, (2023), 1565–1582.
  4. On the first and second largest connected component in the percolated random geometric graph, (avec L. Lichev, B. Lodewijks, D. Mitsche), Stochastic Process. Appl. 164, (2023), 311–336.
  5. Large deviations for Intersections of Random Walks, (avec A. Asselah), Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 76, (2023), 1531–1553.
  6. Finding geodesics on graphs using reinforcement learning, (avec D. Kious et C. Mailler), Ann. Appl. Probab. 32, (2022), 3889–3929.
  7. The trace reinforced ant process does not find shortest paths, (avec D. Kious et C. Mailler), J. Ec. Polytech. Math. 9 (2022), 505–536.
  8. Diffusive bounds for the critical density of activated random walks, (avec A. Asselah et L. Rolla), ALEA 19, (2022), 457–465.
  9. Once Reinforced Random Walk on Z\times\Gamma, (avec D. Kious et A. Singh), Annales de l'I.H.P. (B) 57, (2021), 2219–2242.
  10. Exponential rate for the contact process extinction time, (avec D. Valesin), Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. 30, (2021), 503–526.
  11. Localization on 5 sites for VRRW: towards a characterization, Ann. Appl. Probab. 31, (2021), 1774–1786.
  12. The two regimes of moderate deviations for the range of a transient walk., (avec A. Asselah), P.T.R.F. 180, (2021), 439–465.
  13. The contact process on random hyperbolic graphs: metastability and critical exponents, (avec A. Linker, D. Mitsche, D. Valesin), Ann. Probab. 49 (2021), 1480–1514.
  14. Deviations for the capacity of the range of a random walk, (avec A. Asselah), Electron. J. Probab. 25, (2020), 28pp.
  15. Capacity of the range in dimension 5, et supplementary material, Ann. Probab. 48, (2020), 2988–3040.
  16. On the nature of the Swiss cheese in dimension 3, (avec A. Asselah), Ann. Probab. 48, (2020), 1002–1013.
  17. Capacity of the range of random walk on Z^4, (avec A. Asselah et P. Sousi), Ann. Probab., 47 (2019), 1447–1497.
  18. Strong law of large numbers for the capacity of the Wiener sausage in dimension four, (avec A. Asselah et P. Sousi), P.T.R.F., 173 (2019), 813–858.
  19. Capacity of the range of random walk on Z^d, (avec A. Asselah et P. Sousi), Transactions of the A.M.S., 370 (2018), 7627–7645.
  20. Extinction time for the contact process on general graphs, (avec D. Valesin), P.T.R.F., 169 (2017), 871–899.
  21. Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk: path concentration, (avec A. Asselah), Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4), 50 (2017), 755–786.
  22. Boundary of the range of transient random walk, (avec A. Asselah), P.T.R.F., 168 (2017), 691–719.
  23. Martingale defocusing and transience of a self-interacting random walk, (avec Y. Peres et P. Sousi), Annales de l'I.H.P. (B) 52, (2016), 1009–1022..
  24. Metastability for the contact process on the configuration model with infinite mean degree, (avec V.H. Can), Electron. J. Probab. 20, (2015), 1–22.
  25. Localization of vertex-reinforced random walks on Z with sublinear weight, (avec A.-L. Basdevant et A. Singh), P.T.R.F. 159, (2014), 75–115.
  26. On the local time of random processes in random scenery, (avec F. Castell, N. Guillotin-Plantard et F. Pène), Ann. Probab. 42, (2014), 2417–2453.
  27. Localization on 4 sites for vertex-reinforced random walks on Z, (avec A.-L. Basdevant et A. Singh), Ann. Probab. 42, (2014), 527–558.
  28. Strongly reinforced Vertex Reinforced random walk on the complete graph, (avec M. Benaïm et O. Raimond), ALEA 10, (2013), 767–782.
  29. The quenched limiting distributions of a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery, (avec N. Guillotin-Plantard et Y. Hu), Electron. Comm. Probab. 18, (2013), 1–7.
  30. On the one-sided exit problem for stable processes in random scenery, (avec F. Castell, N. Guillotin-Plantard et F. Pène), Electron. Comm. Probab. 18, (2013), 1–7.
  31. Excited Brownian motions as limit of excited random walks, (avec O. Raimond), P.T.R.F. 154, (2012), 875–909.
  32. Internal DLA generated by cookie random walks on Z, (avec O. Raimond), Electron. Comm. Probab. 16, (2011), 482–490.
  33. A local limit theorem for random walks in random scenery and on randomly oriented lattices, (avec F. Castell, N. Guillotin-Plantard et F. Pène), Ann. Probab. 39, (2011), 2079–2118.
  34. A local limit theorem for random walks on the chambers of \tilde A_2 buildings, (avec J. Parkinson), Progress in Probability 1, Vol.64, Random Walks, Boundaries and Spectra, (2011), 15–53.
  35. A balanced excited random walk, (avec I. Benjamini et G. Kozma), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 349, (2011), 459–462.
  36. Poisson boundary of GL_d(Q), (avec S. Brofferio), Israël J. Math. 185, (2011), 125–140.
  37. Excited Brownian motions, (avec O. Raimond), ALEA 8, (2011), 19–41.
  38. Windings of planar random walks and averaged Dehn function, (avec R. Young), Annales de l'I.H.P. (B) 47, (2011), 130–147.
  39. Random walks with occasionally modified transition probabilities, (avec O. Raimond), Illinois J. Math. 54, (2010), 1213–1238.
  40. On some generalized reinforced random walks, (avec O. Raimond), Electr. J. Probab. 14, (2009), 1770–1789.
  41. Bounded harmonic functions for the Heckman--Opdam Laplacian, Int. Math. Res. Notices (IMRN), (2009), 3149-3159.
  42. The Poisson boundary of triangular matrices in a number field, Ann. Instit. Fourier 59, (2009), 575–593.
  43. The Heckman-Opdam Markov processes, Probab. Theory Related Fields (PTRF) 138, (2007), 495–519.


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