Un sito web (in francese)
dedicato all'Analysis Situs di
Poincaré concepito da Henry Paul de Saint Gervais
Pubblicazioni e Prepubblicazioni
P. Haïssinsky, L. P., G. Walsh-- On groups with
Schottky set boundary. (pdf)
J. Chessa, L.P.- A note on a paper by R. C. Alperin.
L. P.- Cyclic branched covers of alternating knots. Ann. H.
Lebesgue4, (2021), 811-830. (pdf)
J. Los, L. P., A. Salgueiro- Non-isometric hyperbolic 3-orbifolds with
the same topological type and volume. Rend.
Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste52, (2020), 459-468. (pdf)
L. P., J. Porti- Examples of character varieties in characteristic p
and ramification. Contemporary
Mathematics760, (2020), 229-261. (pdf)
Y. Jang, L. P.- Double covers of tunnel number one knots. Geom.
Dedicata211, (2021), 129-143. (pdf)
L. P., M. Sakuma- Prime amphicheiral knots with free period 2. Proc.
Edinburg Math. Soc.63,
(2020), 105-138. (pdf)
P. Haïssinsky, L. P., G. Walsh- Boundaries of Kleinian groups. Illinois J. Math.60,
(2016), 353-364. (pdf)
L.P.- In how many ways can a 3-manifold be the cyclic branched cover
of a knot in S3? RIMS Kôkyûroku1991,
(2016), 140-147. (pdf)
J. Los, L. P., A. Salgueiro- A note on covers of finite hyperbolic
manifolds. Publ.
Mat.61, (2017), 517-527. (pdf)
M. Boileau, C. Franchi, M. Mecchia, L.P., B. Zimmermann- Finite group
actions and cyclic branched covers of knots in S3.
(2018), 283-308. (pdf)
L. P., J. Porti- Invariant character varieties of hyperbolic knots
with symmetries. Math.
Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.165, (2018), 193-208. (pdf)
L. P.- The notion of commensurability in group theory and geometry. RIMS Kôkyûroku1836,
(2013), 124-137. (pdf)
L. P., J. Porti- Non-standard components of the character variety for
a family of Montesinos knots. Proc. London Math.
Soc.107, (2013),
655-679. (pdf)
L. P., J. Porti- Conway spheres as ideal points of the character
variety. Math. Ann.354,
(2012), 707-726. (pdf)
M. Boileau, L. P.- On cyclic branched coverings of prime knots. J. Topol.1,
(2008), 557-583. (pdf)
J. Crisp, L. P.- Commensurability classification of a class of
right-angled Coxeter groups. Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc.136,
(2008), 2343-2349. (pdf)
M. Boileau, L. P., B. Zimmermann- A characterisation of S3
among homology spheres. Geom.
Topol. Monogr.14,
(2008), 83-103. (pdf)
L. P., J. Porti- Hyperbolic isometries versus symmetries of links. Topology
(2009), 1140-1147.(pdf)
A. Cavicchioli, L.P., F. Spaggiari- On the classification of Kim and
Kostrikin manifolds. J. Knot Theory Ramifications15, (2006), 549-569. (pdf)
L.P.- Conway irreducible hyperbolic knots with two common covers. Comment.
Math. Helv.80,
(2005), 643-653. (pdf)
C. Bonatti, L.P.- 3-manifolds which are orbit spaces of
diffeomorphisms. Topology47, (2008), 71-100. (pdf)
L.P.- Determining knots via 2-fold branched coverings. (pdf)
L.P., M. Reni- Homologically trivial actions on cyclic
coverings of knots. Pacific
J. Math.188, (1999), 155-177. (pdf)
L.P.- On a class of cyclic branched coverings of (S2
x S1)-B3. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 46,
(1998), 443-456.
L.P., B. Zimmermann- Finite
quotients of the Picard group and related hyperbolic
tetrahedral and Bianchi groups. Rend.
Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste. Suppl. 1, vol. 32,
(2001), 257-288. (pdf)
PSL(2,q)quotients of some hyperbolic tetrahedral and
Coxeter groups. Commun.
Algebra26, (1998), 759-778.
L.P., B. Zimmermann- On a class of
hyperbolic 3-manifolds and groups with one defining
relation. Geom.
Dedicata60, (1996), 113-123. (pdf)