An aperiodic monotile

Craig Kaplan
University of Waterloo

Date(s) : 15/05/2023   iCal
15 h 00 min - 16 h 00 min

A set of shapes is called aperiodic if the shapes admit tilings of the plane, but none that have translational symmetry. A longstanding open problem asks whether a set consisting of a single shape could be aperiodic; such a shape is known as an aperiodic monotile or sometimes an “einstein”. The recently discovered “hat” monotile settles this problem in two dimensions. In this talk I provide necessary background on aperiodicity and related topics in tiling theory, review the history of the search for for an aperiodic monotile, and then discuss the hat and its mathematical properties.

Full disclosure: this is the same title and abstract that I just sent to Kevin Hare for the Numeration seminar the week before (May 9th). I expect that the talks will be largely the same, but if I have a chance to incorporate any connections to combinatorics on words into my talk for you, I will.


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