On the upper bound of the geotopological Cheeger constant in the principal stratum, Maurice REICHERT

Maurice Reichert
Université de Heidelberg (Allemagne)

Date(s) : 29/09/2023   iCal
11 h 00 min - 12 h 00 min

On the upper bound of the geotopological Cheeger constant in the principal stratum

We are exploring the behavior of a topological variant of the Cheeger constant on principal strata $\left(\mathcal{H}\left(1^{2g-2}\right)\right)_g$ of translation surfaces as genus $g$ approaches infinity. Our goal is to derive a more comprehensive understanding of the expected value of this constant and its rate of growth.
Through our analysis, we demonstrate that the expected value of the topological variant of the Cheeger constant has an upper growth rate like $g^{3}$ for large genus $g$. In particular, we build on the results of Eskin–Masur–Zorich, which provide an explicit way of calculating volumes of subspaces of strata of Abelian differentials.

FRUMAM, St Charles (2ème étage)


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