Introduction to asymptotic symmetries through the example of the BMS group.

Ketya Portela

Date(s) : 18/04/2024   iCal
17 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min

Abstract :
Symmetries play a fundamental role in physics, providing powerful tools to understand the fundamental laws of the universe. In this seminar, we will explore the fascinating concept of asymptotic symmetries, which describe the properties of space-time at infinity, revealing infinite-dimensional symmetry algebras. We will first review some basic concepts of general relativity. Then, we will examine the case of asymptotically flat spacetimes, where the symmetry algebra is the infinite-dimensional Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) algebra.
The main objective of this talk is to provide an overview of the concept of asymptotic symmetries, which has numerous applications and is frequently discussed in seminars in the field of gravitation.


Le séminaire des doctorant⋅es de l’I2M et du CPT à Luminy regroupe chaque semaine les doctorant⋅es du site autour d’un exposé plus ou moins (in)formel, dans un cadre convivial. Il est évidemment ouvert aux étudiant⋅es de master et aux doctorant⋅es d’autres laboratoires.

Pour le moment, le séminaire a lieu dans la salle 500-504b du TPR2, au 5ème étage.

salle 500-504b


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