The Q-algebraicity problem in real algebraic geometry

Enrico Savi

Date(s) : 16/11/2023   iCal
11 h 00 min - 12 h 00 min

In 2020, Parusinski and Rond proved that every algebraic set V ⊂ Rn is homeomorphic to a Qr-algebraic set V’ ⊂ Rn, where Qr denotes the field of real algebraic numbers. The aim of this talk is to introduce a new approach to real algebraic geometry with equations over Q in order to provide some classes of algebraic sets that positively answer the following open problem: Q-Algebraicity problem: (Parusinski, 2021) Is every algebraic set V ⊂ Rn homeomorphic to some Q-algebraic set , with m ≤ n ?

Salle de séminaire de l'I2M à St Charles


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