Why exceptions are so valuable: a quick introduction to the Moonshine conjecture

Marie Roth

Date(s) : 15/02/2024   iCal
17 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min

Abstract: In the darkest depths of the forest of finite simple groups lived the Monster and its happy family. They lurked there, hidden and undiscovered until a team of mathematicians decided to classify all the trees in the forest. We will follow the path taken by these cartographers as they came across the Friendly Giant and experience their surprise when they observed that a jay(-function) was nesting on a branch of the Monster.


Le séminaire des doctorant⋅es de l’I2M et du CPT à Luminy regroupe chaque semaine les doctorant⋅es du site autour d’un exposé plus ou moins (in)formel, dans un cadre convivial. Il est évidemment ouvert aux étudiant⋅es de master et aux doctorant⋅es d’autres laboratoires.

Pour le moment, le séminaire a lieu dans la salle 500-504b du TPR2, au 5ème étage.

Amphi 5 - TPR2 (room 500-504, fifth floor)


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